when hir swownyng was agon,
She riseth up, and to hir fader sayde;
Blessed be God, that I shal deye
a mayde.
Geve me my deth, ere that I have a shame.
Do with your child your wille, a goddes name!
with that word she prayèd him ful ofte,
That with his swerd he shulde smyte hir softe;
And with that word
on swoune doun she fel.
Hir fader, with ful sorwful hert and fel,
Hir heed off smoot, and by the top it caught,
to the wikked judge anon he broughte,
As he sat in his doom in consistory.
And whan the judge it saw,
as saith the story,
He bad him take anon and honge him faste.
But right anon the people rose in haste
save the knight, for ruthe and for pitee,
For knowen was the fals iniquitee.
The poeple anon hadde súspect
in this thing,
By maner of this clerkes fals claimíng,
That it was by the assent of Apius;
They wiste wel that
he was lecherous.
For which unto this Apius thay goon,
And casten him in prisoun right anon,
Wher as he
slew himself; and Claudius,
That servaunt was unto this Apius,
Was doomèd for to honge upon a tree;
this Virginius of his gret pitee
Prayde for him, that he was banisshèd,
And elles certes he hadde lost his
The remenaunt were a-hangèd, more and lesse,
That were consented to this cursednesse.
Her may men see how synne hath his merite;
Be war, for no man wot how God wil smyte
In no degree,
nor in which maner wise
The worm of conscience wol arise
In wicked lyf, though it so pryvy be,
That no
man wot of it but God and he;
Whether that he be foolish man or wise,
He may not know how soon will
come justice.
Therfore I rede yow this counseil take,
Forsake synne, ere synne you forsake.