seme the better,
Accordaunt to his wordes was his look,
As clerkes use who techen by the book.
Al be it
that I can nat given his style,
Nor can nat clymben over so high a style,
Yit say I this, this was his hole
Thus moche amounteth al that ever he ment,
If it so be that I have it in mynde.
He sayd: The kyng of Arraby and Ynde,
My liege lord, on this solemne day
Saluteth you as he best can
or may;
He sendeth you, in honour of your feste,
By me, that redy am at al his heste,
This steede of bras,
that esily and wel
Can in the space of one day naturel,
(This is to say, in four and twenty houres)
so you wil, in droughte or else in shoures,
Beren your body into every place,
To whiche your herte willeth
for to pace,
Withouten hurt of you, thurgh foul and fair.
Or if you lust to flee as high in the air
As doth an
egle, when him list to soar,
This same steede shal bere you evermore
Withouten harm, til ye be where
you liste,
(Though that ye slepen on his bak or reste),
And torne agein, with twisting of a pyn.
He that it
wrought knew many a fair engine;
He watchèd many a constellacioun,
Ere he hadde done this operacioun,
knew ful many a seal and many a bond.
This mirour eek, that I have in myn hond,
Hath such a mighte, that men may in it see
When ther shal
falle eny adversitee
Unto your realm, or to yourself also,
And openly, who is your frend or fo.
And over al
this, if eny lady bright
Hath set hir hert on eny maner wight,
If he be fals, she shal his tresoun see,
newe love, and his subtilitee,
So openly, that ther shal nothing hyde.
Wherfor to fitte this lusty somer tyde
mirour and this ryng, that ye may see,
He hath sent to my lady Canacee,
Your excellente doughter that is
The vertu of this ryng, if ye wil heere,
Is this, that who-so lust it for to were
Upon hir thomb, or in hir
purs to bere,
Ther is on foul that fleeth under the sky,
That she shal not at ful perceyve his cry,
And know
his menyng openly and pleyn,
And answer him in his langáge ageyn;
And every gras that groweth in the
She shal eek knowe, when it wil hele a wound,
Although it be never so deep and wyde.
This naked swerd, that hangeth by my side,
Such vertu hath, that if a man ye smyte,
Thurghout his armur
it wol kerve and byte,
Were it as thikke as is a braunchèd oke;
And what man is i-wounded with the stroke
never be hool, til that you of youre grace
Strok him with this same blade in that same place
Where he is
hurt; this is as moch to sey,
Ye muste with the platte swerd agayn
Stroke him upon the wound, and it wil
This is the verray soth withouten glose,
It failleth nought, whil it is in your hold.
And when this knight thus hadde his tale told,
He rid out of the halle, and doun he light.
His steede, which
that shon as sonne bright,
Stant in the court as stille as eny stoon.
This knight is to his chambre lad anon,
is unarmèd, and mete before him leyd.
These presents be ful carefully conveyd,
This is to sayn, the swerd
and the myrrour,
And born anon unto the highe tour,
With certein officers ordeynd therfore;
And unto Canacee
the ryng is bore
Solemnely, where she syt atte table;
But certeynly, withouten eny fable,
The hors of bras,-
that may nat be removed,
It stant, as it were to the ground i-glewed;
Ther may no man it dryve out of the
For no engyn of pulley or windlas;
And cause why, for they know nought the craft,
And therfor in
the place they have it laft,
Til that the knight hath taught them the manére
To moven him, as ye shul after
Greet was the pres that swarmèd to and fro
To gapen on this hors that stondeth so;
For it so hihe was,
and brod long,
So wel proporcionèd for to be strong,
Right as it were a steed of Lumbardye;
Therto so
horsly, and so quyk of eye,
As it a gentil Poyleys courser were;
For certes, fro his tayl unto his eere
nor arte coude him nought amende
In no degree, as al the pepel wende.
But evermore their moste wonder
How that it coude go, and was of bras;
It was of fayry, as the peple semed.
Diverse peple diversly
they demed;
As many hedes, so many wittes keen.
They murmurèd, as doth a swarm of been,
And made
gesse after their fantasies,
Rehersyng of the olde poetries,
And seyden it was i-like the Pegasee,
The hors
that hadde wynges for to flee;
Or elles it was the Grekissh hors Synon,
That broughte Troye to destruccioún,
men may in the olde stories rede.
Myn hert, quoth one, is evermore in drede,
I trow som men of armes
be therinne,
That shapen them this citee for to wynne;
It were right good that al such thing were knowe.
wispered to his felaw lowe,
And sayde: He lieth, for it is rather lik
An ápparénce made by som magik,
jugglours pleyen at the festes grete.
Of sondry thoughtes thus they jangle and trete,
As comun peple