RORATE coeli desuper! Hevins, distil your balmy schouris!1 For now is risen the bricht day-
ster, Fro the rose Mary, flour of flouris: The cleir Sone, quhom no cloud devouris, Surmounting Phebus in
the Est, Is cumin2 of his hevinly touris: Et nobis Puer natus est.
Archangellis, angellis, and dompnationis, Tronis, potestatis, and marteiris seir,3 And all ye
hevinly operationis, Ster, planeit, firmament, and spheir, Fire, erd,4 air, and water cleir, To Him gife loving,
most and lest,5 That come in to so meik maneir; Et nobis Puer natus est.
Synnaris6 be glad, and penance do, And thank your Maker hairtfully; For he that ye micht
nocht come to To you is cumin full humbly Your soulis with his blood to buy And loose you of the fiendis
arrest And only of his own mercy; Pro nobis Puer natus est.
All clergy do to him inclyne, And bow unto that bairn benyng,7 And do your observance divyne To
him that is of kingis King: Encense his altar, read and sing In holy kirk, with mind degest, Him honouring
attour8 all thing Qui nobis Puer natus est.
Celestial foulis in the air, Sing with your nottis upon hicht, In firthis and in forrestis fair Be myrthful
now at all your mycht; For passit is your dully nicht, Aurora has the cloudis perst,9 The Son is risen with
glaidsum licht, Et nobis Puer natus est.
Now spring up flouris fra the rute, Revert you upward naturaly, In honour of the blissit frute That
raiss10 up fro the rose Mary; Lay out your levis lustily, Fro deid take life now at the lest In wirschip of that
Prince worthày Qui nobis Puer natus est.
Sing, hevin imperial, most of hicht! Regions of air mak armony! All fish in flud and fowl of
flicht Be mirthful and mak melody! All Gloria in excelsis cry! Heaven, erd, se, man, bird, and best,11 He
that is crownit abone the sky Pro nobis Puer natus est!
I THAT in heill1 was and gladnàss Am trublit now with great sickness And feblit with infirmitie: Timor
Mortis conturbat me.
Our plesance here is all vain glory, This fals world is but transitory, The flesh is bruckle,2 the
Feynd is slee:3 Timor Mortis conturbat me.
The state of man does change and vary, Now sound, now sick, now blyth, now sary, Now
dansand4 mirry, now like to die: Timor Mortis conturbat me.
No state in Erd here standis sicker;5 As with the wynd wavis the wicker6 So wannis7 this worlds
vanitie: Timor Mortis conturbat me.
Unto the ded gois all Estatis, Princis, Prelatis, and Potestatis, Baith rich and poor of all degree: Timor
Mortis conturbat me.
He takis the knichtis in to the field Enarmit under helm and scheild; Victor he is at all mellie:8 Timor
Mortis conturbat me.
That strong unmerciful tyrand Takis, on the motheris breast sowkand,9 The babe full of benignitie: Timor
Mortis conturbat me.
He takis the campion10 in the stour,11 The captain closit in the tour, The lady in bour full of
bewtie: Timor Mortis conturbat me.