the little ones take care.

“The oldest he was years not six,
And the youngest only eleven months old,
But often she had left them there alone,
As, by the neighbors, I have been told.

“How can she bear to see the place.
Where she so oft has left them there,
Without a single one to look to them,
Or of the little ones to take good care.

“Oh, can she look upon the spot,
Whereunder their little burnt bones lay,
But what she thinks she hears them say,
‘’Twas God had pity, and took us on high.’

“And there may she kneel down and pray,
And ask God her to forgive;
And she may lead a different life
While she on earth remains to live.

“Her husband and her children too,
God has took from pain and woe.
May she reform and mend her ways,
That she may also to them go.

“And when it is God’s holy will,
O, may she be prepared
To meet her God and friends in peace,
And leave this world of care.”

  By PanEris using Melati.

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