But ye duke more amased, to heare this straunge discourse of Siluio came vnto him, whom when he had vewed with better consideration, perceiued in deede that it was Silla, the daughter of Duke Pontus, and imbrasing her in his armes, he saied: Oh the braunche of all vertue and the flowre of curtesie it self, pardon me I bes[e]che you of all suche discourtesies, as I haue ignorantlie committed towardes you: desiring you that without farther memorie of auncient greefes, you will accept of me, who is more ioyfull and better contented with your presence, then if the whole worlde were at my commaundement. Where hath there euer bin founde suche liberalitie in a louer, which hauyng been trained vp and nourished emongest the delicacies and banquettes of the courte, accompanied with traines of many faire and noble ladies liuing in pleasure, and in the middest of delightes, would so prodigallie aduenture your self, neither fearing mishapps, nor misliking to take suche paines, as I knowe you haue not been accustomed vnto. O liberalitie neuer heard of before! O facte that can neuer bee sufficiently rewarded! O true loue moste pure and vnfained: here with all sendyng for the moste artificiall woorkmen, he prouided for her sundrie sutes of sumpteous apparell, and the marriage daie appoincten, which was celebrated with greate triumphe through the whole citie of Constantinople, euery one prasing the noblenesse of the duke, but so many as did behold the excellent beautie of Silla, gaue her the praise aboue all the rest of the ladies in the troupe. The matter seemed so wonderfull and straunge that the brute was spreade throughout all the partes of Gretia, in so muche that it came to the hearyng of Siluio, who as you haue heard, remained in those partes to enquire of his sister, he beyng the gladdest manne in the worlde, hasted to Constantinople, where comming to his sister he was ioyfullie receiued, and moste louynglie welcomed, and entertained of the duke, his brother in lawe. After he had remained there twoo or three daies, the duke reuealed unto Siluio, the whole discourse how it happened, betweene his sister and the Ladie Iulina, and how his sister was chalenged, for gettying a woman with childe: Siluio blushyng with these woordes, was striken with greate remorse to make Iulina amendes; vnderstanding her to bee a noble ladie, and was lefte defamed to the worlde through his default, he therefore bewraied the whole circumstaunce to the duke, whereof the duke beyng verie ioyfull, immediatlie repaired with Siluio to the house of Iulina, whom they found in her chamber, in great lamentation & mourning. To whom the duke saide, take courage madam for beholde here a gentilman, that will not sticke, bothe to father your childe and to take you for his wife, no inferiour persone, but the sonne and heire of a noble duke, worthie of your estate and dignitie. Iulina seyng Siluio in place, did know very well that he was the father of her childe, and was so ravished with ioye, that she knewe not whether she were awake, or in some dreame. Siluio imbracyng her in his armes, crauyng forgiuenesse of all that was past: concluded with her the mariage daie, which was presently accomplished with great ioye and contentation to all parties: and thus Siluio hauyng attained a noble wife, and Silla his sister her desired houseband, they passed the residue of their daies with suche delight, as those that haue accomplished the perfection of their felicities. |
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