Ralph . Knock at the gates, my squire, with stately lance.

[Tim knocks at the door .

Enter Tapster.

Tap . Who’s there?—You’re welcome, gentlemen: will you see a room?

George . Right courteous and valiant Knight of the Burning Pestle, this is the Squire Tapstero.

Ralph . Fair Squire Tapstero, I a wandering knight,
Hight of the Burning Pestle, in the quest
Of this fair lady’s casket and wrought purse,
Losing myself in this vast wilderness,
Am to this castle well by fortune brought;
Where, hearing of the goodly entertain
Your knight of holy order of the Bell
Gives to all damsels and all errant knights,
I thought to knock, and now am bold to enter.

Tap . An’t please you see a chamber, you are very welcome.

[Exeunt .

[Wife . George, I would have something done, and I cannot tell what it is.

Cit . What is it, Nell?

Wife . Why, George, shall Ralph beat nobody again? prithee, sweetheart, let him.

Cit . So he shall, Nell; and if I join with him, we’ll knock them all.]

SCENE VII.— A Room in the House of Venturewell .


[Wife . Oh, George, here’s Master Humphrey again now that lost Mistress Luce, and Mistress Luce’s father. Master Humphrey will do somebody’s errand, I warrant him.]

Hum . Father, it’s true in arms I ne’er shall clasp her; For she is stoln away by your man Jasper.

[Wife . I thought he would tell him.]

Vent . Unhappy that I am, to lose my child!
Now I begin to think on Jasper’s words,
Who oft hath urged to me thy foolishness:
Why didst thou let her go? thou lov’st her not,
That wouldst bring home thy life, and not bring her.

Hum . Father, forgive me. Shall I tell you true?
Look on my shoulders, they are black and blue:
Whilst to and fro fair Luce and I were winding,
He came and basted me with a hedge-binding.

Vent . Get men and horses straight: we will be there
Within this hour. You know the place again!

Hum . I know the place where he my loins did swaddle;
I’ll get six horses, and to each a saddle.

Vent . Meantime I will go talk with Jasper’s father.

[Exeunt severally .

[Wife . George, what wilt thou lay with me now, that Master Humphrey has not Mistress Luce yet? speak, George, what wilt thou lay with me?

Cit . No, Nell; I warrant thee, Jasper is at Puckeridge with her by this.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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