Hengo. Thou darest as well be damn’d! Thou knock his brains out?
Thou skin of man?—Uncle, I will not hear this.

Judas. Tie up your whelp.

Hengo. Thou kill my uncle? Would I
Had but a sword for thy sake, thou dried dog!

Car. What a mettle
This little vermin carries!

Hengo. Kill mine uncle?

Car. He shall not, child.

Hengo. He cannot; he’s a rogue,
An only eating rogue! kill my sweet uncle?
Oh, that I were a man!

Judas. By this wine, which I
Will drink to Captain Junius, who loves
The queen’s most excellent majesty’s little daughter
Most sweetly, and most fearfully, I will do it.

Hengo. Uncle, I’ll kill him with a great pin.

Car. No more, boy!
I’ll pledge thy captain. To ye all, good fellows! [Drinks.

2 Daugh. In love with me? that love shall cost your lives all.—
Come, sister, and advise me; I have here
A way to make an easy conquest of ’em,
If fortune favour me.

[Exeunt Daughters.

Car. Let’s see you sweat
To-morrow blood and spirit, boys, this wine
Turn’d to stern valour.

1 Sold. Hark you, Judas;
If he should hang us after all this?

Judas. Let him: I’ll hang like a gentleman, and a Roman.

Car. Take away there;
They have enough.

[The table removed.

Judas. Captain, we thank you heartily
For your good cheer: and if we meet to-morrow,
One of us pays for’t.

Car. Get ’em guides; their wine
Has over-master’d ’em.

Enter second Daughter with a letter, and a Servant.

2 Daugh. That hungry fellow
With the red beard there, give it him, and this,
To see it well deliver’d.

Car. Farewell, knaves!
Speak nobly of us; keep your words to-morrow,
And do something worthy your meat.—

Enter a Guide.

Go, guide ’em,
And see ’em fairly onward.

Judas. Meaning me, sir?

Serv. The same.
The youngest daughter to the queen entreats you
To give this privately to Captain Junius;
This for your pains!

Judas. I rest her humble servant;
Commend me to thy lady.—Keep your files, boys.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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