Pet. We shall be holy all then.

[Exeunt all but Decius.

Enter Judas and his Company.

Judas. Captain, captain, I have brought ’em off again;
The drunkenest slaves!

Dec. Pox confound your rogueships!
I’ll call the general, and have ye hang’d all.

Judas. Pray who will you command then?

Dec. For you, sirrah,
That are the ringleader to these devices,
Whose maw is never cramm’d, I’ll have an engine—

Judas. A wench, sweet captain.

Dec. Sweet Judas, even the forks,
Where you shall have two lictors with two whips
Hammer your hide.

Judas. Captain, good words, fair words,
Sweet words, good captain; if you like not us,
Farewell we have employment.

Dec. Where hast thou been?

Judas. There where you dare not be, with all your valour.

Dec. Where’s that!

Judas. With the best good fellow living.

1 Sold. The king of all good fellows.

Dec. Who’s that?

Judas. Caratach.
Shake now, and say, we have done something worthy!
Mark me, with Caratach; by this light, Caratach!
Do you as much now, an you dare.—Sweet Caratach!
You talk of a good fellow, of true drinking;
Well, go thy ways, old Caratach!—Besides the drink, captain,
The bravest running banquet of black puddings,
Pieces of glorious beef—

Dec. How ’scaped ye hanging?

Judas. Hanging’s a dog’s death, we are gentlemen;
And I say still, old Caratach!

Dec. Belike then,
You are turn’d rebels all.

Judas. We are Roman boys all,
And boys of mettle. I must do that, captain,
This day, this very day—

Dec. Away, ye rascal!

Judas. Fair words, I say again!

Dec. What must you do, sir?

Judas. I must do that my heart-strings yearn to do;
But my word’s past.

Dec. What is it?

Judas. Why, kill Caratach,
That’s all he ask’d us for our entertainment.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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