Jun. I must be wretched!

Pet. I knew I had won.

Jun. Nor have I so much power
To shun my fortune.

Pet. I will hunt thy fortune
With all the shapes imagination breeds,
But I will fright thy devil. Stay, he sings now.

[Song by Junius, and Petillius after him in mockage.

Jun. Must I be thus abused?

Pet. Yes, marry must you.
Let’s follow him close: Oh, there he is; now read it.

Herald. [Reads.] It is the general’s command, that all sick persons, old and unable, retire within the trenches; he that fears, has liberty to leave the field: Fools, boys, and cowards, must not come near the regiments, for fear of their infections; especially those cowards they call lovers.

Jun. Ha?

Pet. Read on.

Herald. [Reads.] If any common soldier love an enemy, he’s whipp’d and made a slave: If any captain, cast, with loss of honours, flung out o’ th’ army, and made unable ever after to bear the name of a soldier.

Jun. The pox consume ye all, rogues!


Pet. Let this work;
He has something now to chew upon. He’s gone;
Come, shake no more.

Herald. Well, sir, you may command me,
But not to do the like again for Europe;
I would have given my life for a bent two-pence,
If I e’er read to lovers whilst I live again,
Or come within their confines—

Pet. There’s your payment,
And keep this private.

Herald. I am school’d for talking.


Enter Demetrius.

Pet. Now now, Demetrius? are we drawn?

Dem. ’Tis doing:
Your company stands fair. But pray you, where’s Junius?
Half his command are wanting, with some forty
That Decius leads.

Pet. Hunting for victuals.
Upon my life, free-booting rogues! their stomachs
Are like a widow’s lust, ne’er satisfied.

Dem. I wonder how they dare stir, knowing the enemy
Master of all the country.

Pet. Resolute hungers
Know neither fears nor faiths; they tread on ladders,
Ropes, gallows, and overdo all dangers.

Dem. They may be hang’d though.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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