Bond. Talk not.
I Daugh. Where nothing but true joy is
Bond. Thats a good wench!
Mine own sweet girl! put it close to thee.
2 Daugh. Oh,
Comfort me still, for Heavens sake.
I Daugh. Where eternal
Our youths are, and our beauties; where no wars come,
Nor lustful slaves to
ravish us.
2 Daugh. That steels me;
A long farewell to this world!
Bond. Good; Ill help thee.
I Daugh. The next is mine.
Show me a Roman lady in all your stories,
Dare do this for her honour; they
are cowards,
Eat coals like compelld cats: your great saint, Lucrece,
Died not for honour; Tarquin tupt her
And, mad she could not hold him, bled.
Pet. By Heaven.
I am in love! I would give an hundred pound now
But to lie with this womans behaviour.
Oh, the devil!
I Daugh. Ye shall me example: All your Rome,
If I were proud and loved ambition,
If I were lustful, all
your ways of pleasure,
If I were greedy, all the wealth ye conquer
Bond. Make haste.
I Daugh. I will.[Drinks.]Could not entice to live,
But two short hours, this frailty. Would ye learn
to die bravely, Romans, to fling off
This case of flesh, lose all your cares for ever?
Live, as we have done,
well, and fear the gods;
Hunt honour, and not nations, with your swords;
Keep your minds humble, your
devotions high;
So shall ye learn the noblest part, to die.
Bond. I come, wench.To ye all, Fates hangmen, you
That ease the aged Destinies, and cut
The threads
of kingdoms as they draw em! here,
Here is a draught would ask no less than Caesar
To pledge it for
the glorys sake!
Cur. Great lady!
Suet. Make up your own conditions.
Bond. So we will.
Suet. Stay!
Dem. Stay!
Suet. Be anything.