Jaff. O my eyes!
Look not that way, but turn yourselves a while
Into my heart, and be weand all together.
friend, where art thou?
Pierr. Here, my honours brother.
Jaff. Is Belvidera gone?
Pierr. Renault has led her
Back to her own apartment: but, by Heaven!
Thou must not see her more till
our works over.
Jaff. No.
Pierr. Not for your life.
Jaff. O Pierre, wert thou but she.
How I could pull thee down into my heart,
Gaze on thee till my eye-
strings cracked with love,
Till all my sinews with its fire extended,
Fixed me upon the rack of ardent longing;
swelling, sighing, raging to be blest,
Come like a panting turtle to thy breast,
On thy soft bosom, hovering,
bill and play,
Confess the cause why last I fled away;
Own twas a fault, but swear to give it oer
And never
follow false ambition more. [Exeunt ambo.