Jaff. Then hear me, bounteous Heaven!
Pour down your blessings on this beauteous head,
Where everlasting
sweets are always springing,
With a continual giving hand: let peace,
Honour, and safety, always hover
round her:
Feed her with plenty, let her eyes neer see
A sight of sorrow, nor her heart know mourning:
all her days with joy, her nights with rest,
Harmless as her own thoughts; and prop her virtue,
To bear the
loss of one that too much lovd,
And comfort her with patience in our parting.
Belv. How, parting! parting!
Jaff. Yes, for ever parting.
I have sworn, Belvidera, by yon heaven,
That best can tell how much I lose to
leave thee,
We part this hour for ever.
Belv. Oh, call back
Your cruel blessings, stay with me and curse me!
Jaff. No, tis resolvd.
Belv. Then hear me too, just Heaven!
Pour down your curses on this wretched head
With never-ceasing
vengeance: let despair,
Danger or infamy, nay, all surround me:
Starve me with wantings: let my eyes neer
A sight of comfort, nor my heart know peace,
But dash my days with sorrow, night with horrors
as my own thoughts now, and let loose fury
To make me mad enough for what I lose,
If I must lose him; if
I must, I will not.
O turn and hear me!
Jaff. Now hold, heart, or never.
Belv. By all the tender days weve livd together;
By all our charming nights, and joys that crownd em:
my sad condition, speak, but speak.
Jaff. Oh-h-h!
Belv. By these arms that now cling round thy neck:
By this dear kiss and by ten thousand more,
By these
poor streaming eyes
jaff. Murther! unhold me:
[Draws his dagger.
By the immortal destiny that doomd me
To this cursd minute, Ill not live one longer.
Resolve to let me go
or see me fall
Belv. Hold, sir, be patient.
Jaff. Hark, the dismal bell
[Passing bell tolls.
Tolls out for death; I must attend its call too,
For my poor friend, my dying Pierre expects me:
He sent a
message to require Id see him
Before he died, and take his last forgiveness.
Farewell for ever.
[Going out looks back at her.
Belv. Leave thy dagger with me.
Bequeath me something.Not one kiss at parting?
O my poor heart,
when wilt thou break?
Jaff. Yet stay,
We have a child, as yet a tender infant.
Be a kind mother to him when I am gone:
him in virtue and the paths of honour,
But let him never know his fathers story:
I charge thee guard him
from the wrongs my fate
May do his future fortune or his name.
Nownearer yet
[Approaching each other.