Bel. Then pray, Mr. Adam, will you make us acquainted with your Eve?

Razor [to Mademoiselle]. Unmask, for the honour of France.

All. Mademoiselle!

Madem. Me ask ten thousand pardon of all de good company.

Sir J. Why, this mystery thickens instead of clearing up. [To Razor.] You son of a whore you, put us out of our pain.

Razor. One moment brings sunshine. [Shewing Mademoiselle.] ’Tis true, this is the woman that tempted me, but this is the serpent that tempted the woman; and if my prayers might be heard, her punishment for so doing should be like the serpents of old—[Pulls off Lady Fanciful’s mask] she should lie upon her face all the days of her life.

All. Lady Fanciful!

Bel. Impertinent!

Lady B. Ridiculous!

All. Ha, ha, ha!

Bel. I hope your ladyship will give me leave to wish you joy, since you have owned your marriage yourself. [To Heartfree.] I vow ’twas strangely wicked in you to think of another wife, when you have one already so charming as her ladyship.

All. Ha, ha, ha!

Lady F. [aside]. Confusion seize them, as it seizes me. Your mirth’s as nauseous as yourself. Belinda, you think you triumph over a rival now; helas! ma pauvre fille. Where’er I’m a rival, there’s no cause for mirth. No, my poor wretch, ’tis from another principle I have acted. I knew that thing there would make so perverse a husband, and you so impertinent a wife, that, lest your mutual plagues should make you run both mad, I charitably would have broken the match. He, he, he!

[Exit, laughing affectedly.

Madem. He, he, he!

[Exit, following her.

All. Ha, ha, ha!

Sir J. [aside]. Why now, this woman will be married to somebody, too.

Bel. Poor creature! what a passion she is in! but I forgive her.

Heart. Since you have so much goodness for her, I hope you’ll pardon my offence too, madam?

Bel. There will be no great difficulty in that, since I am guilty of an equal fault.

Heart. Then let’s to church; And if it be our chance to disagree—

Bel. Take heed! the surly husband’s fate you see.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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