Just. Oh! was that all—nothing but a little giddiness, hey!

O’Con. That’s all, indeed, your worship; for seeing miss change colour, I ran up instantly.

Just. Oh, ’twas very kind in you!

O’Con. And luckily recovered her.

Just. And who made you a doctor, you impudent rascal, hey? Get out of my sight, I say, this instant, or by all the statutes——

Lau. Oh now, papa, you frighten me, and I am giddy again!—Oh, help!

O’Con. O dear lady, she’ll fall!

[Takes her into his arms.

Just. Zounds! what before my face—why then, thou miracle of impudence!—[Lays hold of him and discovers him.]—Mercy on me, who have we here?—Murder! Robbery! Fire! Rape! Gunpowder! Soldiers! John! Susan! Bridget!

O’Con. Good sir, don’t be alarmed; I mean you no harm.

Just. Thieves! Robbers! Soldiers!

O’Con. You know my love for your daughter——

Just. Fire! Cut-throats!

O’Con. And that alone——

Just. Treason! Gunpowder!

Enter a Servant with a blunderbuss.

Now, scoundrel! let her go this instant.

Lau. O papa, you’ll kill me!

Just. Honest Humphrey, be advised. Ay, miss, this way, if you please.

O’Con. Nay, sir, but hear me——

Just. I’ll shoot.

O’Con. And you’ll be convinced——

Just. I’ll shoot.

O’Con. How injurious——

Just. I’ll shoot—and so your very humble servant, honest Humphrey Hum.

[Exeunt separately.

Scene III.—A Walk.

Enter Doctor Rosy.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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