Dang. Admirably managed, indeed!

Puff. Now, stand out of their way.

Whisk.I thank thee, Fortune, thou hast thus bestowed
A weapon to chastise this insolent.

[Takes up one of the swords.

Beef.I take thy challenge, Spaniard, and I thank thee,
Fortune, too!

[Takes up the other sword.”

Dang. That’s excellently contrived!—It seems as if the two uncles had left their swords on purpose for them.

Puff. No, egad, they could not help leaving them.

Whisk.Vengeance and Tilburina!
Beef.Exactly so—

[They fight—and after the usual number of wounds given, Whiskerandos falls.

Whisk.O cursed parry!—that last thrust in tierce
Was fatal.—Captain, thou hast fenced well!
And Whiskerandos quits this bustling scene
For all eter—
Beef.                 —nity—he would have added, but stern death
Cut short his being, and the noun at once!”

Puff. Oh, my dear sir, you are too slow: now mind me.—Sir, shall I trouble you to die again?

Whisk.And Whiskerandos quits this bustling scene
For all eter—
Beef.                 —nity—he would have added,—”

Puff. No, sir—that’s not it—once more, if you please.

Whisk. I wish, sir, you would practise this without me—I can’t stay dying here all night.

Puff. Very well; we’ll go over it by-and-by.—[Exit Whiskerandos.] I must humour these gentlemen!

Beef.Farewell, brave Spaniard! and when next—”

Puff. Dear sir, you need’nt speak that speech, as the body has walked off.

Beef. That’s true, sir—then I’ll join the fleet.

Puff. If you please.—[Exit Beefeater.] Now, who comes on?

Enter Governor, with his hair properly disordered.

Gov.A hemisphere of evil planets reign!
And every planet sheds contagious frenzy!
My Spanish prisoner is slain! my daughter,
Meeting the dead corse borne along, has gone

[A loud flourish of trumpets.

But hark! I am summon’d to the fort:
       Perhaps the fleets have met! amazing crisis!
       O Tilburina! from thy aged father’s beard
       Thou’st pluck’d the few brown hairs which time had left!


Sneer. Poor gentleman!

Puff. Yes—and no one to blame but his daughter!

Dang. And the planets—

Puff. True.—Now enter Tilburina!

Sneer. Egad, the business comes on quick here.

Puff. Yes, sir—now she comes in stark mad in white satin.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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