He was a prince.


A most incivil one: the wrongs he did me
Were nothing prince-like; for he did provoke me
With language that would make me spurn the sea,
If it could so roar to me: I cut off's head;
And am right glad he is not standing here
To tell this tale of mine.


I am sorry for thee:
By thine own tongue thou art condemn'd, and must
Endure our law: thou'rt dead.


That headless man
I thought had been my lord.


Bind the offender,
And take him from our presence.


Stay, sir king:
This man is better than the man he slew,
As well descended as thyself; and hath
More of thee merited than a band of Clotens
Had ever scar for.

To the Guard

Let his arms alone;
They were not born for bondage.


Why, old soldier,
Wilt thou undo the worth thou art unpaid for,
By tasting of our wrath? How of descent
As good as we?


In that he spake too far.


And thou shalt die for't.


We will die all three:
But I will prove that two on's are as good
As I have given out him. My sons, I must,
For mine own part, unfold a dangerous speech,
Though, haply, well for you.


Your danger's ours.


And our good his.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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