Every man shift for all the rest, and let no man take care for himself; for all is but fortune. Coragio, bully-
monster, coragio! TRINCULO
If these be true spies which I wear in my head, here's a goodly sight. CALIBAN
O Setebos, these be brave spirits indeed! How fine my master is! I am afraid He will chastise me. SEBASTIAN
Ha, ha! What things are these, my lord Antonio? Will money buy 'em? ANTONIO
Very like; one of them Is a plain fish, and, no doubt, marketable. PROSPERO
Mark but the badges of these men, my lords, Then say if they be true. This mis-shapen knave, His mother
was a witch, and one so strong That could control the moon, make flows and ebbs, And deal in her command
without her power. These three have robb'd me; and this demi-devil For he's a bastard onehad plotted with
them To take my life. Two of these fellows you Must know and own; this thing of darkness! Acknowledge
I shall be pinch'd to death. ALONSO
Is not this Stephano, my drunken butler? SEBASTIAN
He is drunk now: where had he wine? ALONSO
And Trinculo is reeling ripe: where should they Find this grand liquor that hath gilded 'em? How camest
thou in this pickle? TRINCULO
I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last that, I fear me, will never out of my bones: I shall not
fear fly-blowing. SEBASTIAN
Why, how now, Stephano!
By PanEris
using Melati.
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