second and the third, nine, and some five; If this prove true, they'll pay for't: by mine honour, I'll geld 'em
all; fourteen they shall not see, To bring false generations: they are co-heirs; And I had rather glib myself
than they Should not produce fair issue. LEONTES
Cease; no more. You smell this business with a sense as cold As is a dead man's nose: but I do see't and
feel't As you feel doing thus; and see withal The instruments that feel. ANTIGONUS
If it be so, We need no grave to bury honesty: There's not a grain of it the face to sweeten Of the whole
dungy earth. LEONTES
What! lack I credit? First Lord
I had rather you did lack than I, my lord, Upon this ground; and more it would content me To have her
honour true than your suspicion, Be blamed for't how you might. LEONTES
Why, what need we Commune with you of this, but rather follow Our forceful instigation? Our prerogative Calls
not your counsels, but our natural goodness Imparts this; which if you, or stupefied Or seeming so in skill,
cannot or will not Relish a truth like us, inform yourselves We need no more of your advice: the matter, The
loss, the gain, the ordering on't, is all Properly ours. ANTIGONUS
And I wish, my liege, You had only in your silent judgment tried it, Without more overture. LEONTES
How could that be? Either thou art most ignorant by age, Or thou wert born a fool. Camillo's flight, Added
to their familiarity, Which was as gross as ever touch'd conjecture, That lack'd sight only, nought for approbation But
only seeing, all other circumstances Made up to the deed, doth push on this proceeding: Yet, for a greater
confirmation, For in an act of this importance 'twere Most piteous to be wild, I have dispatch'd in post To
sacred Delphos, to Apollo's temple, Cleomenes and Dion, whom you know Of stuff'd sufficiency: now from
the oracle They will bring all; whose spiritual counsel had, Shall stop or spur me. Have I done well? First Lord
Well done, my lord. LEONTES
Though I am satisfied and need no more Than what I know, yet shall the oracle Give rest to the minds of
others, such as he Whose ignorant credulity will not Come up to the truth. So have we thought it good From
our free person she should be confined, Lest that the treachery of the two fled hence Be left her to perform.
Come, follow us; We are to speak in public; for this business Will raise us all.
By PanEris
using Melati.
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