Jacques (to Cléante). Everything is arranged; he is satisfied with your promises!

Cléante. Heaven be praised!

Jacques. Gentlemen, you have but to talk the matter over: you are agreed now, and you were going to quarrel for want of understanding each other.

Cléante. My dear Master Jacques, I shall be obliged to you all my life.

Jacques. Do not mention it, Sir.

Harpagon. You have given me great pleasure, Master Jacques; and that deserves a reward. (Harpagon fumbles in his pockets; Master Jacques holds out his hand, but Harpagon only draws out his handkerchief.) Go now, I shall remember this, I assure you.

Jacques. I kiss your hands.

Scene V.—Harpagon, Cléante.

Cléante. I ask your pardon, father, for the passion which I have displayed.

Harpagon. Never mind.

Cléante. I assure you that I regret it exceedingly.

Harpagon. And I, I have the greatest delight in seeing you reasonable.

Cléante. How good of you to forget my fault so quickly.

Harpagon. The faults of children are easily forgotten, when they return to their duty.

Cléante. What! not retain any resentment for all my extravagance?

Harpagon. You compel me to it, by the submission and the respect to which you pledge yourself.

Cléante. I promise you, father, that I shall carry the recollection of your goodness to my grave with me.

Harpagon. And I, I promise you, that you may obtain anything from me.

Cléante. Ah! father, I ask for nothing more; you have given me enough by giving me Mariane.

Harpagon. How!

Cléante. I say, father, that I am too well pleased with you, and that I find everything in your kindness in giving me Mariane.

Harpagon. Who says anything to you of giving you Mariane?

Cléante. You, father.

Harpagon. I!

Cléante. Undoubtedly.

Harpagon. What! it is you who have promised to renounce her.

Cléante. I renounce her!

  By PanEris using Melati.

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