Harpagon. Yes.

Cléante. Not at all.

Harpagon. You have not given up your pretensions to her?

Cléante. On the contrary, I am more determined than ever upon them.

Harpagon. What! hang-dog, you begin afresh?

Cléante. Nothing can change my mind.

Harpagon. Let me get at you, wretch.

Cléante. Do what you like.

Harpagon. I forbid you ever to come within my sight.

Cléante. All right.

Harpagon. I abandon you.

Cléante. Abandon as much as you like.

Harpagon. I disown you as my son.

Cléante. Be it so.

Harpagon. I disinherit you.

Cléante. Whatever you please.

Harpagon. And I give you my malediction.

Cléante. I want none of your gifts.

Scene VI.—Cléante, La Flèche.

La Flèche (coming from the garden with a casket under his arm). Ah! Sir, I find you in the nick of time! Follow me quickly.

Cléante. What is the matter?

La Flèche. Follow me, I tell you; we are all right.

Cléante. How?

La Flèche. Here is your affair.

Cléante. What?

La Flèche. I kept my eye upon this the whole day.

Cléante. What is it?

La Flèche. Your father’s treasure, which I have laid hands on.

Cléante. How did you manage?

  By PanEris using Melati.

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