Scrub. Truly, I’m afraid so too; for where there’s a priest and a woman, there’s always a mystery and a riddle. This I know, that here has been the doctor with a temptation in one hand and an absolution in the other, and Gipsy has sold herself to the devil; I saw the price paid down, my eyes shall take their oath on’t.

Arch. And is all this bustle about Gipsy?

Scrub. That’s not all; I could hear but a word here and there; but I remember they mentioned a Count, a closet, a back-door, and a key.

Arch. The Count!—Did you hear nothing of Mrs. Sullen?

Scrub. I did hear some word that sounded that way; but whether it was Sullen or Dorinda, I could not distinguish.

Arch. You have told this matter to nobody, brother?

Scrub. Told! no, sir, I thank you for that; I’m resolved never to speak one word pro nor con, till we have a peace.

Arch. You’re i’ the right, brother Scrub. Here’s a treaty afoot between the Count and the lady: the priest and the chambermaid are the plenipotentiaries. It shall go hard but I find a way to be included in the treaty.—Where’s the doctor now?

Scrub. He and Gipsy are this moment devouring my lady’s marmalade in the closet.

Aim. [from without]. Martin! Martin!

Arch. I come, sir, I come.

Scrub. But you forget the other guinea, brother Martin.

Arch. Here, I give it with all my heart.

Scrub. And I take it with all my soul.—[Exit Archer.] Ecod, I’ll spoil your plotting, Mrs. Gipsy! and if you should set the captain upon me, these two guineas will buy me off.


Re-enter Mrs. Sullen and Dorinda, meeting.

Mrs. Sul. Well, sister!

Dor. And well, sister!

Mrs. Sul. What’s become of my lord?

Dor. What’s become of his servant?

Mrs. Sul. Servant! he’s a prettier fellow, and a finer gentleman by fifty degrees, than his master.

Dor. O’ my conscience, I fancy you could beg that fellow at the gallows-foot!

Mrs. Sul. O’ my conscience I could, provided I could put a friend of yours in his room.

Dor. You desired me, sister, to leave you, when you transgressed the bounds of honour.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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