A Catalogue of Simples in the
New Dispensatory
College : Sorrel, Calamus Aromaticus, Water-flag, Privet, Garlick, Marsh-mallows, Alcanet, Angelica,
Anthora, Smallage, Aron, Birthwort long and round, Sowbread, Reeds, Asarabacca, Virginian Snakeweed,
Swallwort, Asparagus, Asphodel, male and female. Burdocks great and small, Behen, or Bazil, Valerian,
white and red. Daisies, Beets, white, red, and black. Marsh-mallows, Bistort, Borrage, Briony, white and
black, Bugloss, garden and wild. Calamus Aromaticus, Our Lady's thistles, Avens, Coleworts, Centaury
the less. Onions, Chameleon, white and black. Celandine, Pilewort, China, Succory, Artichokes. Virginian
Snakeroot, Comfry greater and lesser, Contra yerva, Costus, sweet and bitter. Turmerick, wild Cucumbers,
Sowbread, Hound's-tongue, Cypres, long and round. Toothwort, white Dittany, Doronicum, Dragons,
Woody Nightshade, Vipers Bugloss, Smallage, Hellebore, white and black, Endive, Elicampane, Eringo,
Colt's-foot, Fearn, male and female, Filipendula or Drop-wort, Fennel, white Dittany, Galanga, great and
small, Gentian, Liquorice, Dog-grass, Hermodactils. Swallow wort, Jacinth, Henbane, Jallap, Master-
wort, Orris or Flower-de-luce, both English and Florentine, sharp pointed Dock, Burdock greater and
lesser, Lovage, Privet, white Lilies, Liquorice, Mallows, Mechoacan, Jallap, Spignel, Mercury, Devil's bit,
sweet Navew, Spikenard, Celtic and Indian, Water lilies, Rest-harrow, sharp pointed Dock, Peony, male
and female, Parsnips, garden and wild, Cinquefoil, Butter-Bur, Parsley, Hog's Fennel, Valerian, greater
and lesser, Burnet, Land and Water Plantain, Polypodium of the Oak, Solomon's Seal, Leeks, Pellitory
of Spain, Cinquefoil, Turnips, Raddishes, garden and wild, Rhapontick, common Rhubarb, Monk's Rhubarb,
Rose Root, Madder Bruscus. Sopewort, Sarsaparilla, Satyrion, male and female, White Saxifrage, Squills,
Figwort, Scorzonera, English and Spanish, Virginian Snake weed, Solomon's Seal, Cicers, stinking Gladon,
Devil's bit, Dandelion, Thapsus, Tormentil, Turbith, Colt's-foot, Valerian, greater and lesser, Vervain,
Swallow-wort, Nettles, Zedoary long and round, Ginger.
Culpeper : These be the roots the college hath named, and but only named, and in this order I have
set them down. It seems the college holds a strange opinion, viz. that it would do an Englishman a
mischief to know what the herbs in his garden are good for.
But my opinion is, that those herbs, roots, plants, &c. which grow near a man, are far better and more
congruous to his nature than any outlandish rubbish whatsoever, and this I am able to give a reason of
to any that shall demand it of me, therefore I am so copious in handling of them, you shall observe them
ranked in this order:
1. The temperature of the roots, herbs, flowers, &c. viz. hot, cold, dry, moist, together with the degree
of each quality.
2. What part of the body each root, herb, flower, is appropriated to, viz. head, throat, breast, heart,
stomach, liver, spleen, bowels, reins, bladder, womb, joints, and in those which heat those places, and
which cool them.
3. The property of each simple, as they bind, open, mollify, harden, extenuate, discuss, draw out, suppure,
cleanse, glutinate, break wind, breed seed, provoke or stop the menses, resist poison, abate swellings,
ease pain.
This I intend shall be my general method throughout the simples, which, having finished I shall give
you a paraphrase explaining these terms, which rightly considered, will be the key of Galen's way of
administering physic.
Temperature of the Roots
Roots hot in the first degree. Marsh-mallows, Bazil, Valerian, Spattling, Poppy, Burdocks, Borrage, Bugloss,
Calamus Aromaticus, Avens, Pilewort, China, Self-heal, Liquorice, Dog-grass, white Lilies, Peony, male
and female, wild Parsnips, Parsley, Valerian, great and small, Knee-holly, Satyrion, Scorzonera, Skirrets.