However, eighteen years later the Companion of Sirius was actually seen by Alvan Clark. This discovery was unique in its way; Clark was not looking at Sirius because he was interested in it, but because Sirius was a nice bright point of light with which to test the optical perfection of a large new object-glass that his firm had made. I dare say that when he saw the little point of light close to Sirius he was disappointed and tried to polish it away. However, it stayed, and proved to be the already known but hitherto unseen Companion.

The big modern telescopes easily show the star and rather spoil the romance; but as romance faded, knowledge grew, and we now know that the Companion is a star not much less massive than the sun. It has 4/5ths of the mass of the sun, but gives out only 1/360th of the sun's light. The faintness did not particularly surprise us; [Note... The mass-luminosity relation was not suspected at the time of which I am speaking....] presumably there should be white-hot stars glowing very brightly and red-hot stars glowing feebly, with all sorts of intermediate degrees of brightness. It was assumed that the Companion was one of the feeble stars only just red hot.

In 1914. Professor Adams at the Mount Wilson Observatory found that it was not a red star. It was white white hot. Why, then, was it not shining brilliantly? Apparently the only answer was that it must be a very small star. You see, the nature and colour of the light show that its surface must be glowing more intensely than the sun's; but the total light is only 1/360th of the sun's; therefore the surface must be less than 1/360th of the sun's. That makes the radius less than 1/19th of the sun's radius, and brings the globe down to a size which we ordinarily associate with a planet rather than with a star. Working out the sum more accurately we find that the Companion of Sirius is a globe intermediate in size between the earth and the next larger planet Uranus. But if you are going to put a mass not much less than that of the sun into a globe not very much larger than the earth, it will be a tight squeeze. The actual density works out at 60,000 times that of water -- just about a ton to the cubic inch.

We learn about the stars by receiving and interpreting the messages which their light brings to us. The message of the Companion of Sirius when it was decoded ran: 'I am composed of material 3,000 times denser than anything you have ever come across; a ton of my material would be a little nugget that you could put in a matchbox. 'What reply can one make to such a message ? The reply which most of us made in 1914 was -- 'Shut up. Don't talk nonsense.'

But in 1924 the theory described in the last lecture had been developed; and you will remember that at the end it pointed to the possibility that matter in the stars might be compressed to a density much transcending our terrestrial experience. This called back to mind the strange message of the Companion of Sirius. It could no longer be dismissed as obvious nonsense. That does not mean that we could immediately assume it to be true; but it must be weighed and tested with a caution which we should not care to waste over a mere nonsense jingle. It should be understood that it was very difficult to explain away the original message as a mistake. As to the mass being 4/5ths of the sun's mass there can be no serious doubt at all. It is one of the very best determinations of stellar mass. Moreover, it is obvious that the mass must be large if it is to sway Sirius out of its course and upset its punctuality as a clock. The determination of the radius is less direct, but it is made by a method which has had conspicuous success when applied to other stars. For example, the radius of the huge star Betelgeuse was first calculated in this way; afterwards it was found possible to measure directly the radius of Betelgeuse by means of an interferometer devised by Michelson, and the direct measurement confirmed the calculated value. Again the Companion of Sirius does not stand alone in its peculiarity. At least two other stars have sent us messages proclaiming incredibly high density; and considering our very limited opportunities for detecting this condition, there can be little doubt that these 'white dwarfs', as they are called, are comparatively abundant in the stellar universe.

But we do not want to trust entirely to one clue lest it prove false in some unsuspected way. Therefore in 1924 Professor Adams set to work again to apply to the message a test which ought to be crucial. Einstein's theory of gravitation indicates that all the lines of the spectrum of a star will be slightly displaced towards the red end of the spectrum as compared with the corresponding terrestrial lines. On the sun

  By PanEris using Melati.

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