MANNER THE FIRST - Make the woman lie upon her back, with her thighs raised, then, getting between
her legs, introduce your member into her. Pressing your toes to the ground, you can rummage her in a
convenient, measured way. This is a good position for a man with a long verge.
MANNER THE SECOND - If your member is a short one, let the woman lie on her back, lift her legs
into the air, so that her right leg be near her right ear, and the left one near her left ear, and in this posture,
with her buttocks lifted up, her vulva will project forward. Then put in your member.
MANNER THE THIRD - Let the woman stretch herself upon the ground, and place yourself between her
thighs; then putting one of her legs upon your shoulder, and the other under your arm, near the armpit,
get into her.
MANNER THE FOURTH - Let her lie down, and put her legs on your shoulders; in this position your
member will just face her vulva, which must not touch the ground. And then introduce your member.
MANNER THE FIFTH - Let her lie down on her side, then lie yourself down by her on your side, and
getting between her thighs, put your member into her vagina. But sidelong coition predisposes for rheumatic
pains and sciatica.
MANNER THE SIXTH - Make her get down on her knees and elbows, as if kneeling in prayer. In this
position the vulva is projected backwards; you then attack her from that side, and put your member into
MANNER THE SEVENTH - Place the woman on her side, and squat between her thighs, with one of
her legs on your shoulder and the other between your thighs, while she remains lying on her side. Then
you enter her vagina, and make her move by drawing her towards your chest by means of your hands,
with which you hold her embraced.
MANNER THE EIGHTH - Let her stretch herself upon the ground, on her back, with her legs crossed; then
mount her like a cavalier on horseback, being on your knees, while her legs are placed under her thighs,
and put your member into her vagina.
MANNER THE NINTH - Place the woman so that she leans with her front, or, if you prefer it, her back
upon a moderate elevation, with her feet set upon the ground. She thus offers her vulva to the introduction
of your member.
MANNER THE TENTH - Place the woman near to a low divan, the back of which she can take hold of
with her hands; then, getting under her, lift her legs to the height of your navel, and let her clasp you with
her legs on each side of your body; in this position plant your verge into her, seizing with your hands the
back of the divan. When you begin the action your movements must respond to those of the woman.
MANNER THE ELEVENTH - Let her lie upon her back on the ground with a cushion under her posterior; then
getting between her legs, and letting her place the sole of her right foot against the sole of her left foot,
introduce your member.
There are other positions besides the above named in use among the peoples of India. It is well for you
to know that the inhabitants of those parts have multiplied the different ways to enjoy women, and they
have advanced farther than we in the knowledge and investigation of coitus.
Amongst those manners are the following, called:
- El asemeud, the stopperage
- El modefedâ frog fashion
- El mokefâ, with the toes cramped
- El mokeurmeutt, with legs in the air
- El setouri, he-goat fashion