Was not put to death, iv. 156 (427)

God could destroy him if He chose, v. 19 (488)

Is only a servant of God, v. 109 ff. (498); xliii. 57 (138), 63 (139)

His birth, xix. 23, 24 (119)

His profession, xix. 31 (119)

Jews (of Muhammad's time), ii. 59 (344), 88 (347); iii. 62 (392); ix. 30 (473); lviii. 15 (452)

The punishment in store for them, iv. 50 (416); v. 69 (493)

Their conduct, iii. 184 (403)

Their captious words, iii. 179 (403)

Their perversions of Scripture, ii. 98 (348); iv. 48 (416)

Jews, enemies to Muslims, v. 85 (495)

Their lex talionis, v. 48, 49, 69 (491, 493)

Their calumnies against the Virgin Mary, iv. 155 (427)

Job, vi. 84 (324); xxi. 83 (156); xxxviii. 40 (127)

John, xix. 7 (117); xxi. 90 (157)

Jonah, vi. 86 (324); x. 98 (283); xxxvii. 139 (84); lxviii. 48 (34)

Joseph, vi. 84 (324); xii. 36 (242)

Joshua, xviii. 59 (186)

Kadr or Power (night of), xliv. 2, 3 (89); xcvii. 1-5 (36)

Karoun (Corah), xxviii. 76 (252); xxix. 38 (264); xl. 25 (242)

Kebla, ii. 109 (350), 136-145 (353)

Khidr, xviii. 62, note (186)

Koran, a divine work, iv. 84 (420); xlvi. 2-7 (313); liii. 4 (69)

Preserved in Heaven, xiii. 39 (337), lxxxv. 21 (43)

Is not the work of djinn, xxvi. 210 (110)

Is admired by djinn, xlvi. 28 (316)

Confirms the Scriptures, x. 38 (278)

Koreisch, cvi. 1 (36)

Lokman, xxxi. 86 (325); vii. 78 (301)

  By PanEris using Melati.

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