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s of the Red Cross Knight, but places Sansjoy under the care of Esculapius in the infernal regions (canto 4). The Red Cross Knight leaves the palace of Lucifera, and Duessa induces him to drink of the Enervating Fountain; Orgoglio then attacks him, and would have slain him if Duessa had not promised to be his bride. Having cast the Red Cross Knight into a dungeon, Orgoglio dresses his bride in most gorgeous array, puts on her head a triple crown (the tiara of the pope), and sets her on a monster beast with seven heads (the seven hills of Rome). Una (truth) sends Arthur (England) to rescue the captive knight, and Arthur slays Orgoglio, wounds the beast, releases the knight, and strips Duessa of her finery (the Reformation); whereupon she flies into the wilderness to conceal her shame (canto 7).Spenser: Faërie Queene, i. (1590). Duessa, in bk. v., allegorizes Mary queen of Scots. She is arraigned by Zeal before queen Mercilla (Elizabeth), and charged with high treason. Zeal says he shall pass by for the present her counsels false conspired with Blandamour (earl of Northumberland), and Paridel (earl of Westmoreland, leaders of the insurrection of 1569), as that wicked plot came to naught, and the false Duessa was now an untitled queen. When Zeal had finished, an old sage named the Kingdoms Care (lord Burghley) spoke, and opinions were divided. Authority, Law of Nations, and Religion thought Duessa guilty; but Pity, Danger, Nobility of Birth, and Grief pleaded in her behalf. Zeal then charges the prisoner with murder, sedition, adultery, and lewd impiety; whereupon the sentence of the court was given against her. Queen Mercilla, being called on to pass sentence, was so overwhelmed with grief that she rose and left the court.Spenser: Faërie Queene, v. 9 (1596). |
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