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Jerusalem Delivered, an epic poem in twenty books, by Torquato Tasso (1575). The tale is as follows: The crusaders, having encamped on the plains o f To rtosa, choose Godfrey for their chief. The overtures of Argantês being declined, war is declared by him in the name of the king of Egypt. The Christian a rmy reaches Jerusalem, but it is found that the city cannot be taken without the aid of Rinaldo, who had withdrawn from the army because Godfrey had cited him for the death of Girnando, whom he had slain in a duel. Godfrey sends to the enchanted island of Armida to invite the hero back, and on his return Jerusalem is assailed in a night attack. The poem concludes with the triumphant entry of the Christians into the Holy City, and their adoration at the Saviours tomb. (The two chief episodes are the loves of Olindo and Sophronia, and of Tanered and Corinda.) English translations in verse by Carew in 1594; by Fairfax in 1600; and by Hoole in 1762. Jervis (Mrs.), the virtuous hou sekeeper of young squire B. Mrs. Jervis protects Pamela when her young master assails her.Richardson: Pamela or Virtue Rewarded (1740). Jessamy, the son of colonel Oldboy. He changed his name in compliment to lord Jessamy, who adopted him and left him his heir. Jessamy is an affected, conceited prig, who dresses as a fop, carries a muff to keep his hands warm, and likes old china better than a pretty girl. This popinjay proposes to Clarissa Flowerdale; but she despises him, much to his indignation and astonishment.Bickerstaff: Lionel and Clarissa (17351790). Who essenced and dizened from bottom to top, And looked like a doll from a milliners shop He shrugs and takes snuff, and carries a muff, A minickin, finicking, French powdered puff. Act i. x. Jessamy. As an adjective, having the colour or smell of jasmine. As a noun, the plant jasmine; one who wears jasmine in a button-hole; a fop. (See the Standard Dict. of Eng. Lang., p. 962.) Jessamy Bride (The), Mary Horneek, with whom Goldsmith fell in love in 1769. A writer in Notes and Queries, April 10, 1897, suggests that jessamy is equivalent to jasmine, and that Goldsmith simply used the word to express Marys sweetness, daintiness, and grace. The flowers of the jasmine were used to perfume gloves; and Pepys, in his Diary, February 15, 1668-9, says, I did this day call at the New Exchange, and bought her and two pairs of jessimy gloves. (Frankfort Moore has just (1897) written a novel so called.) Jessica, daughter of Shylock the Jew. She elopes with Lorenzo.Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice (1597). Jessica cannot be called a sketch, or, if a sketch, she is dashed off in glowing colours from the rainbow palette of a Rubens. She has a rich tint of Orientalism shed over her.Mrs. Jameson. Jessie, the Flower o Dumblane (The Charming Young), a song by Robert Tannahill. And sweet is the hill wi its mantle o green; Yet fairer and sweeter, and dear to my bosom, The charming young Jessie, the flower o Dumblane. Jests (The Father of), Joseph or Joe Miller, an English comic actor, whose name has become a household word for a stale jest (16841738). The book which goes by his name was compiled by Mr. Mottley the |
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