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Lumbey to Lychorida Lumbey (Dr.), a stout, bluff-looking gentleman, with no shirt-collar, and a beard that had been growing since yesterday morning. The doctor was very popular, and the neighbourhood prolific.Dickens: Nicholas Nickleby (1838). Lumley (Captain), in the royal army under the duke of Montrose.Sir W. Scott: Old Mortality (time, Charles II.). Lumon, a hill in Inis-Huna, near the residence of Sulmalla. Sulmalla was the daughter of Conmor (king of Inis-Huna) and his wife Clungalo.Ossian: Temora. Where art thou, beam of light? Hunters from the mossy rock, saw you the blue-eyed fair? Are her steps on grassy Lumon, near the bed of roses? Ah me! I beheld her bow in the hall. Where art thou, beam of light? (Bishop has selected these words from Temora for a glee of four voices.) Lumpkin (Tony), the rough, goodnatured booby son of Mrs. Hardcastle by her first husband. Tony dearly loved a practical joke, and was fond of low society, where he could air his conceit and self-importance. He is described as an awkward booby, reared up and spoiled at his mothers apron-string (act i. 2); and if burning the footmans shoes, frighting [sic] the maids, and worrying the kittens, be humorous, then Tony was humorous to a degree (act i. 1).Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer (1773). I feel as Tony Lumpkin felt, who never had the least difficulty in reading the outside of his letters, but who found it very hard work to decipher the inside.Boyd. Quicks great parts were Isaac, Tony Lumpkin, Spado, and sir Christopher Curry.Records of a Stage Veteran. Quick [17481831] was the original Tony Lumpkin. Acres, and Isaac Mendoza.Memoir of John Quick (1832). (Isaac in The Duenna, by Sheridan; Spado in The Castle of Andalusia, by OKeefe; sir C. Curry in Inkle and Yarico, by Colman.) Lun. So John Rich called himself when he performed harlequin. It was John Rich who introduced pantomime (16811761). And on the other his archpatron Lun. Churchill. Luna (Il contê di), uncle of Man rico. He entertains a base passion for the princess Leonora, who is in love with Manrico; and, in order to rid himself of his rival, is about to put him to death, when Leonora promises to give herself to him if he will spare her lover. The count consents; but while he goes to release his captive, Leonora poisons herself.Verdi: Il Trovatorê (an opera, 1853). Lundin (Dr. Luke), the chamberlain at Kinross.Sir W. Scott: The Abbot (time, Elizabeth). Lundin (The Rev. sir Louis), town clerk of Perth.Sir W. Scott: Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.). Lunsford (Sir Thomas), governor of the Tower. A man of such vindictive temper that the name was used as a terror to children. As bad as Bloody-bones or Lunsford. S. Butler: Hudibras, iii. 2, line 1112 (1678). Both ill-affected men; From Lunsford eke deliver us, That eateth childëren. |
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