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Penelophon to Pepys's Diary Penelophon, the beggar maid loved by king Cophetua. Shakespeare calls the name Zenelophon in Loves Labours Lost, act iv. sc. 1 (1594).Percy: Reliques, I. ii. 6 (1765). Penelva (The Exploits and Adventures of), part of the series called Le Roman des Romans, pertaining to Amadis of Gaul. This part was added by an anonymous Portuguese (fifteenth century). Penfeather (Lady Penelope), the lady patroness at the Spa.Sir W. Scott: St. Ronans Well (time, George III.). Pengwern (The Torch of), prince Gwenwyn of Powys-land.Sir W.Scott: The Betrothed (time, Henry II.). Pengwinion (Mr.), from Cornwall; a Jacobite conspirator with Mr. Redgauntlet.Sir W. Scott: Redgauntlet (time, George III.). Peninsular War (The), the war carried on by sir Arthur Wellesley against Napoleon in Portugal and Spain (18081814). (Southey wrote a History of the Peninsular War, 1822-32.) Penitents of Love (Fraternity of the), an institution established in Languedoc in the thirteenth century, consisting of knights and esquires, dames and damsels, whose object was to prove the excess of their love by bearing, with invincible constancy, the extremes of heat and cold. They passed the greater part of the day abroad, wandering about from castle to castle, wherever they were summoned by the inviolable duties of love and gallantry; so that many of these devotees perished by the inclemency of the weather, and received the crown of martyrdom to their profession. See Warton: History of English Poetry (1781). Penlake (Richard), a cheerful man, both frank and free, but married to Rebecca a terrible shrew. Rebecca knew if she once sat in St. Michaels chair (on St. Michaels Mount, in Cornwall), that she would rule her husband ever after; so she was very desirous of going to the mount. It so happened that Richard fell sick, and both vowed to give six marks to St. Michael if he recovered. Richard did recover, and they visited the shrine; but while Richard was making the offering, Rebecca ran to seat herself in St. Michaels chair. No sooner, however, had she done so, than she fell from the chair, and was killed in the fall.Southey: St.Michaels Chair(a ballad, 1798). Penniless (The). Kaiser Maximilian I. (1459, 14931519) was called in Italian Massimilliano Pochidanario. Walter the Penniless. Gautier sans avoir of Burgundy, joint leader of the First Crusade with Peter the Hermit, in 1096. Sir Walter Scott, writing to his son, offered to give him £20 if he could tell him who Walter the Penniless. was, and where he marched to. Penny (Jock), a highwayman.Sir W.Scott: Guy Mannering (time, George II.). Penruddock (Roderick), a philosopher, or rather a recluse, who spent his time in reading. By nature gentle, kind-hearted, and generous, but soured by wrongs. Woodville, his trusted friend, although he knew that Arabella was betrothed to Roderick, induced her father to give her to him, because he was the richer man; and Rodericks life was blasted. Woodville had a son, who reduced himself to positive indigence by gambling, and sir George Penruddock was the chief creditor. Sir George dying, all his property came to his cousin Roderick, who now had ample means-to glut his revenge on his treacherous friend; but his heart softened. First, he settled all the obligations, bonds, and mortgages, covering the whole Woodville property, on Henry Woodville, that he might marry Emily Tempest; and next, he restored to Mrs. Woodville her settlement, which, in her husbands desperate necessity, she had resigned to him; lastly, he sold all his own estates, and retired again to a country cottage to his books and solitude.Cumberland: The Wheel of Fortune (1779). |
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