Medora dead, he left the island, and no one knew whither he went. The rest of his adventures are recorded
under his new name of Lara. (Byron: The Corsair.)
Have you the conscience to [demand such a price]. Can your conscience allow you to [demand
such a price]. Conscience is the secret monitor within man which accuses or excuses him, as
he does what he thinks to be wrong or right.
In all conscience. As, And enough too, in all conscience.
Meaning that the demand made is as much as conscience would tolerate without accusing the person of
actual dishonesty; to the verge of that fine line which separates honesty from dishonesty.
My conscience!
An oath. I swear by my conscience.
Court of Conscience. Established for the recovery of small debts in
London and other trading places. These courts have been superseded by county courts.
Why should not Conscience have vacation,
As well as other courts o' the nation?
Butler: Hudibras, ii. 2.
Conscience. (See Nonconformist)