of charity. An attribute of St. Augustine, denoting the fervency of his devotion. The heart of the Saviour
is frequently so represented.
A bloody heart. Since the time of Good Lord James the Douglases
have carried upon their shields a bloody heart with a crown upon it, in memory of the expedition of Lord
James to Spain with the heart of King Robert Bruce. King Robert commissioned his friend to carry his
heart to the Holy Land, and Lord James had it enclosed in a silver casket, which he wore round his
neck. On his way to the Holy Land, he stopped to aid Alphonso of Castile against Osmyn the Moor, and
was slain. Sir Simon Lockhard of Lee was commissioned to carry the heart back to Scotland. (Tales
of a Grandfather, xi.)
After my own heart. Just what I like; in accordance with my liking or wish: the heart
being the supposed seat of the affections.
Be of good heart. Cheer up. In Latin, "Fac, bono animo sis;
" the heart being the seat of moral courage.
Out of heart. Despondent; without sanguine hope. In Latin,
"Animum despondere. " In French, "Perdre courage. "
Set your heart at rest. Be quite easy about the
matter. In French, "Mettez votre cur à l' aise. ' The heart is the supposed organ of the sensibilities (including
the affections, etc.).
To break on's heart. To waste away or die of disappointment. "Broken-hearted," hopelessly
distressed. In French, "Cela me fend le cur. " The heart is the organ of life.
To learn by heart. To learn
memoriter; to commit to memory. In French, "Par cur " or "Apprendre par cur. " (See Learn.)
To set one's
heart upon. Earnestly to desire it. "Je l' aime de tout mon cur; " the heart being the supposed seat of
the affections.
Take heart. Be of good courage. Moral courage at one time was supposed to reside in
the heart, physical courage in the stomach, wisdom in the head, affection in the reins or kidneys, melancholy
in the bile, spirit in the blood, etc. In French, "prendre courage. "
To take to heart. To feel deeply pained
[at something which has occurred]. In Latin, "Percussit mihi animum; " "iniquo animo ferre. " In French,
"Prendre une affaire à cur; " the heart being the supposed seat of the affections.
To wear one's heart upon
one's sleeve. To expose one's secret intentions to general notice; the reference being to the custom of
tying your lady's favour to your sleeve, and thus exposing the secret of the heart. Iago says, "When
my outward action shows my secret heart, I will wear my heart upon my sleeve, as one does a lady's
favour, for daws [? dows, pigeons] to peck at." Dows = fools, or simpletons to laugh at or quiz. (Othello,
i. 1.)
With all my heart. "De tout mon cur; " most willing. The heart, as the seat of the affections and
sensibilities, is also the seat of the will.