Q to Quarter


Q Q in a corner. Something not seen at first, but subsequently brought to notice. The thong to which seals are attached in legal documents is in French called the queue; thus we have lettres scellées sur simple queue or sur double queue, according to whether they bear one or two seals. In documents where the seal is attached to the deed itself, the corner where the seal is placed is called the queue, and when the document is sworn-to the finger is laid on the queue.
   In a merry Q (cue). Humour, temper; thus Shakespeare says, “My cue is villanous melancholy” (King Lear, i. 2).
   Old Q. The fifth Earl of March, afterwards Duke of Queensberry.

Q.E.D Quod erat demonstrandum. Three letters appended to the theorems of Euclid, meaning: Thus have we proved the proposition stated above, as we were required to do.

Q.E.F Quod erat faciendum. Three letters appended to the problems of Euclid, meaning: Thus have we done or drawn the figure required by the proposition.

Q.P Quantum placet. Two letters used in prescriptions, meaning the quantity may be as little or much as you like. Thus, in a cup of tea we might say “Milk and suger q.p.

Q.S Quantum sufficit. Two letters appended to prescriptions, and meaning as much as is required to make the pills up. Thus, after giving the drugs in minute proportions, the apothecary is told to “mix these articles in liquorice q.s

Q.V (Latin, quantum vis). As much as you like, or quantum valeat, as much as is proper.
   q.v. (Latin, quod vide). Which see.

Quack or Quack Doctor; once called quack-salver. A puffer of salves. (Swedish, qvak-salfearë; Norwegian, qvak-salver; German, quacksalber.)

“Saltimbancoes, quacksalvers, and charlatans deceive the vulgar.”- Sir Thomas Browne.
Quacks Queen Anne's quack oculists were William Read (tailor), who was knighted, and Dr. Grant (tinker).

Quad To be in quad. To be confined to your college-grounds or quadrangle; to be in prison.

Quadra The border round a bas-relief.
   In the Santa Croce of Florence is a quadra round a bas relief representing the Madonna, in white terracotta. Several other figures are introduced.

Quadragesima Sunday The Sunday immediately preceding Lent; so called because it is, in round numbers, the fortieth day before Easter.

Quadragesimals The farthings or payments made in commutation of a personal visit to the mother- church on Mid-Lent Sunday; also called Whitsun farthings.

Quadrilateral The four fortresses of Peschiera and Mantua on the Mincio, with Verona and Legnago on the Adigë. Now demolished.
   The Prussian Quadrilateral. The fortresses of Luxemburg, Coblentz, Sarrelouis, and Mayence.

Quadrille (2 syl., French) means a small square; a dance in which the persons place themselves in a square. Introduced into England in 1813 by the Duke of Devonshire. (Latin, quadrum, a square.)
   Le Pantalon. So called from the tune to which it used to be danced.
   L'Éte. From a country-dance called pas d'été, very fashionable in 1800; which it resembles.
   La poule. Derived from a country-dance produced by Julien in 1802, the second part of which began with the imitation of a cock-crow.
   Trenise. The name of a dancing-master who, in 1800, invented the figure.
   La pastourelle. So named from its melody and accompaniment, which are similar to the vilanelles or peasants' dances.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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