Sun in one's Eyes to Swaddler

Sun in one's Eyes (To have the). To be tipsy.

Sun of Righteousness Jesus Christ. (Mal. iv. 3.)

Sunday Important battles fought on Sunday. Barnet, Bull Run, Carberry Hill, Friedland, Fuentes d'Onoro, Jarnac, THE GLORIOUS FIRST OF JUNE (Lord Howe's great victory), Killiecrankie, Kunersdorf, Leipsig, Lepanto, Lincoln, Newbury, RAMILLIES, Ravenna, Saarbruck (the “baptism of fire”), SEDAN, Seringapatam, Stony Creek, of the Thirty, Toulouse, Towton, Vienna, Vimiera, WATERLOO, WORCESTER.

Sunday Saint One who observes the ordinances of religion, and goes to church on a Sunday, but is worldly, grasping, indifferently honest, and not “too moral” the following six days.

Sundays When three Sundays come together. (See Never .)

Sundew the Drosera, which is from the Greek drosos, dew. So called from the dew-like drops which rest on the hairy fringes of the leaves.

“By the lone fountain's secret bed,
Where human footsteps rarely tread;
Mid the wild moor or silent glen,
The sundew blooms unseen by men,
And, ere the summer's sun can rise,
Drinks the pure water of the skies.”
The Wild Garland.
Sunflower (The). Clytie, a water-nymph, was in love with Apollo, but meeting no return, she died and was changed into a sunflower, which still turns to the sun through its daily course.

“The sunflower turns on the god, when he sets,
The same look which she turned when he rose.”
T. Moore: (Believe me if all those endearing young charms).

“I will not have the mad Clytie,
Whose head is turned by the sun.”
    What we call a sunflower is the Helianthus, so called, not because it follows the sun, but because it resembles a picture sun. A bed of these flowers will turn in every direction, regardless of the sun. The Turnsole is the Heliotropium, quite another order of plants.

Sunna or Sonna. The Oral Law, or the precepts of Mahomet not contained in the Koran, collected into a volume. Similar to the Jewish Mishna, which is the supplement of the Pentateuch. (Arabic, sunna, custom, rule of conduct.)

Sunnites (2 syl.). Orthodox Mahometans, who consider the Sunna or Oral Law as binding as the Koran. They wear white turbans. The heterodox Moslems are called Shiites or Shiahs (q.v.).

Suo Jure (Latin). In one's own right.

Suo Marte (Latin). By one's own strength or personal exertions.

Super, Supers In theatrical parlance, “supers” means supernumeraries, or persons employed to make up crowds, processions, dancing or singing choirs, messengers, etc., where little or no speaking is needed.

Supercilious (5 syl.). Having an elevated eyebrow; hence contemptuous, haughty. (Latin, super-cilium.)

Supernaculum The very best wine. The word is Low Latin for “upon the nail,” meaning that the wine is so good the drinker leaves only enough in his glass to make a bead on his nail. The French say of first-class wine, “It is fit to make a ruby on the nail” (faire rubis sur l'ongle), referring to the residue left which is only sufficient to make a single drop on the nail. Tom Nash says, “After a man has drunk his glass, it is usual, in the North, to turn the bottom of the cup upside down, and let a drop fall upon the thumb-nail. If the drop rolls off, the drinker is obliged to fill and drink again.” Bishop Hall alludes to the same custom: “The Duke Tenterbelly exclaims `Let never this goodly-formed goblet of wine go jovially

  By PanEris using Melati.

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