Anticipation to Antipathy
(An*tic`i*pa"tion) n. [L. anticipatio: cf. F. anticipation.]
1. The act of anticipating, taking up, placing, or considering something beforehand, or before the proper
time in natural order.
So shall my anticipation prevent your discovery.
2. Previous view or impression of what is to happen; instinctive prevision; foretaste; antepast; as, the anticipation
of the joys of heaven.
The happy anticipation of renewed existence in company with the spirits of the just.
3. Hasty notion; intuitive preconception.
Many men give themselves up to the first anticipations of their minds.
4. (Mus.) The commencing of one or more tones of a chord with or during the chord preceding, forming
a momentary discord.
Syn. Preoccupation; preclusion; foretaste; prelibation; antepast; pregustation; preconception; expectation; foresight; forethought.
(An*tic"i*pa*tive) a. Anticipating, or containing anticipation. "Anticipative of the feast to
come." Cary. An*tic"i*pa*tive*ly, adv.
(An*tic"i*pa`tor) n. One who anticipates.
(An*tic"i*pa*to*ry) a. Forecasting; of the nature of anticipation. Owen.
Here is an anticipatory glance of what was to be.
J. C. Shairp.
(An`ti*civ"ic) n. Opposed to citizenship.
(An`ti*civ"ism) n. Opposition to the body politic of citizens. [Obs.] Carlyle.
(An`ti*clas"tic) a. [Pref. anti- = Gr. to break.] Having to opposite curvatures, that is, curved
longitudinally in one direction and transversely in the opposite direction, as the surface of a saddle.
(An`ti*cli"max) n. (Rhet.) A sentence in which the ideas fall, or become less important and
striking, at the close; the opposite of climax. It produces a ridiculous effect. Example:
Next comes Dalhousie, the great god of war,
Lieutenant-colonel to the Earl of Mar.
(An`ti*cli"nal) a. [Pref. anti- + Gr. kli`nein to incline.] Inclining or dipping in opposite directions.
See Synclinal.
Anticlinal line, Anticlinal axis (Geol.), a line from which strata dip in opposite directions, as from the
ridge of a roof. Anticlinal vertebra (Anat.), one of the dorsal vertebræ, which in many animals has
an upright spine toward which the spines of the neighboring vertebræ are inclined.
(An`ti*cli"nal), n. (Geol.) The crest or line in which strata slope or dip in opposite directions.
(||An`ti*cli*no"ri*um) n.; pl. Anticlinoria [NL., fr. Gr. against + kli`nein to incline + 'o`ros
mountain.] (Geol.) The upward elevation of the crust of the earth, resulting from a geanticlinal.
(An"tic*ly) adv. Oddly; grotesquely.
(An"tic-mask`) n. An antimask. B. Jonson.