Cacodylic acid, a white, crystalline, deliquescent substance, (CH3)2AsO.OH, obtained by the oxidation of cacodyl, and having the properties of an exceedingly stable acid; — also called alkargen.

(||Cac`o*ë"thes) n. [L., fr. Gr. of ill habits, an ill habit; kako`s bad + habit]

1. A bad custom or habit; an insatiable desire; as, cacoëthes scribendi, "The itch for writing". Addison.

2. (Med.) A bad quality or disposition in a disease; an incurable ulcer.

(Cac`o*gas"tric) a. [Gr. kako`s bad + stomach.] Troubled with bad digestion. [R.] Carlyle.

(Cac`o*graph`ic) a. Pertaining to, or characterized by, cacography; badly written or spelled.

(Ca*cog`ra*phy) n. [Gr. kako`s bad + -graphy; cf. F. cacographie.] Incorrect or bad writing or spelling. Walpole.

(||Ca`co*let") n. [F.] A chair, litter, or other contrivance fitted to the back or pack saddle of a mule for carrying travelers in mountainous districts, or for the transportation of the sick and wounded of an army.

(Ca*col"o*gy) n. [Gr. kako`s bad + -logy: cf. F. cacologie.] Bad speaking; bad choice or use of words. Buchanan.

(||Ca`co*mix"le Ca`co*mix"tle) Cacomixl
(Ca"co*mix`l) , n. [Mexican name.] A North American carnivore about the size of a cat, related to the raccoons. It inhabits Mexico, Texas, and California.

(Ca*coon") n. One of the seeds or large beans of a tropical vine (Entada scandens) used for making purses, scent bottles, etc.

(Cac`o*phon"ic Cac`o*phon"ic*al) Cacophonous
(Ca*coph"o*nous Cac`o*pho"ni*ous) , a. Harsh-sounding.

(Ca*coph"o*ny) n.; pl. Cacophonies [Gr. kako`s bad + sound: cf. F. Cacophonie.]

(Cac`o*chym"ic Cac`o*chym"ic*al) a. Having the fluids of the body vitiated, especially the blood. Wiseman.

(Cac`o*de"mon) n. [Gr. kako`s bad + demon: cf. F. cacodémon.]

1. An evil spirit; a devil or demon. Shak.

2. (Med.) The nightmare. Dunaglison.

(Cac`o*dox"ic*al) a. Heretical.

(Cac"o*dox`y) n. [Gr. perverted opinion; kako`s bad + opinion.] Erroneous doctrine; heresy; heterodoxy. [R.]

Heterodoxy, or what Luther calls cacodoxy.
R. Turnbull.

(Cac"o*dyl) n. [Gr. ill-smelling (kako`s bad + to smell) + -yl.] (Chem.) Alkarsin; a colorless, poisonous, arsenical liquid, As2(CH3)4, spontaneously inflammable and possessing an intensely disagreeable odor. It is the type of a series of compounds analogous to the nitrogen compounds called hydrazines. [Written also cacodyle, and kakodyl.]

(Cac`o*dyl"ic) a. (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or derived from, cacodyl.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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