1. The earliest abode; original dwelling place; originals; as, the cunabula of the human race.
2. (Bibliography) The extant copies of the first or earliest printed books, or of such as were printed in
the 15th century.
(Cunc*ta"tion) n. [L. cunctatio, fr. cunctari, p. p. cunctatus, to delay.] Delay; procrastination.
[R.] Carlyle.
(Cunc"ta*tive) a. Slow; tardy; dilatory; causing delay.
(||Cunc*ta"tor) n. [L., lit., a delayer; applied as a surname to Q. Fabius Maximus.] One
who delays or lingers. [R.]
(Cunc*tip"o*tent) a. [L. cunctipotens; cunctus all + potens powerful.] All-powerful; omnipotent.
[R] "God cunctipotent." Neale (Trans. Rhythm of St. Bernard).
(Cund) v. t. [See Cond.] To con [Obs.]
(Cun`du*ran"go) n. (Med.) The bark of a South American vine (Gonolobus Condurango)
of the Milkweed family. It has been supposed, but erroneously, to be a cure for cancer. [Written also
(Cu"ne*al) [L. cuneus a wege. See Coin.] Relating to a wedge; wedge-shaped.
(Cu"ne*ate Cu"ne*a`ted) (- ?`tEd), a. [L. cuneatus, fr. cuneus a wege SeeCoin.] Wedge-
shaped; (Bot.), wedge-shaped, with the point at the base; as, a cuneate leaf.
(Cu`ne*at"ic) a. Cuneiform. "Cuneatic decipherment." Sayce.
(Cu*ne"i*form Cu"ni*form) a. [L. cuneus a wedge + -form: cf. F. cunei-forme. See Coin.]
1. Wedge-shaped; as, a cuneiform bone; especially applied to the wedge-shaped or arrowheaded
characters of ancient Persian and Assyrian inscriptions. See Arrowheaded.
2. Pertaining to, or versed in, the ancient wedge-shaped characters, or the inscriptions in them. "A cuneiform
scholar." Rawlinson.
(Cu*ne"i*form, Cu"ni*form), n.
1. The wedge-shaped characters used in ancient Persian and Assyrian inscriptions. I. Taylor
2. (Anat.) (a) One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first, second third metatarsals. They are
usually designated as external, middle, and internal, or ectocuniform, mesocuniform, and entocuniform,
respectively. (b) One of the carpal bones usually articulating with the ulna; called also pyramidal
and ulnare.
(||Cu*nette") n. [F.] (Fort.) A drain trench, in a ditch or moat; called also cuvette.
(Cun"ner) n. [Cf. Conner.] (Zoöl.) (a) A small edible fish of the Atlantic coast (Ctenolabrus
adspersus); called also chogset, burgall, blue perch, and bait stealer. [Written also conner.] (b) A
small shellfish; the limpet or patella.
(Cun"ning) a. [AS. cunnan to know, to be able. See 1st Con, Can.]