Designable to Despair
(Des"ig*na*ble) a. Capable of being designated or distinctly marked out; distinguishable.
(Des"ig*nate) a. [L. designatus, p. p. of designare. See Design, v. t.] Designated; appointed; chosen.
[R.] Sir G. Buck.
(Des"ig*nate) v. t. [imp. & p. p. Designated; p. pr. & vb. n. Designating.]
1. To mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate; to show; to distinguish by marks or
description; to specify; as, to designate the boundaries of a country; to designate the rioters who are to
be arrested.
2. To call by a distinctive title; to name.
3. To indicate or set apart for a purpose or duty; with to or for; as, to designate an officer for or to
the command of a post or station.
Syn. To name; denominate; style; entitle; characterize; describe.
(Des`ig*na"tion) n. [L. designatio: cf. F. désignation.]
1. The act of designating; a pointing out or showing; indication.
2. Selection and appointment for a purpose; allotment; direction.
3. That which designates; a distinguishing mark or name; distinctive title; appellation.
The usual designation of the days of the week.
Whewell. 4. Use or application; import; intention; signification, as of a word or phrase.
Finite and infinite seem . . . to be attributed primarily, in their first designation, only to those things
which have parts.
Locke. Designative
(Des"ig*na*tive) a. [Cf. F. désignatif.] Serving to designate or indicate; pointing out.
(Des"ig*na`tor) n. [L.]
1. (Rom. Antiq.) An officer who assigned to each his rank and place in public shows and ceremonies.
2. One who designates.
(Des"ig*na*to*ry) a. Serving to designate; designative; indicating. [R.]
(De*sign"ed*ly) adv. By design; purposely; intentionally; opposed to accidentally, ignorantly,
or inadvertently.
(De*sign"er) n.
1. One who designs, marks out, or plans; a contriver.
2. (Fine Arts) One who produces or creates original works of art or decoration.
3. A plotter; a schemer; used in a bad sense.
(De*sign"ful) a. Full of design; scheming. [R.] De*sign"ful*ness, n. [R.] Barrow.