1. (Physics) Of such a nature relatively to some other associated body or bodies, as to tend to the
negative pole of a voltaic battery, in electrolysis, while the associated body tends to the positive pole;
the converse or correlative of electro-negative.
An element that is electro-positive in one compound may be electro-negative in another, and vice
2. (Chem.) Hence: Positive; metallic; basic; distinguished from negative, nonmetallic, or acid.
(E*lec`tro-pos"i*tive), n. (Chem. & Physics) A body which passes to the negative pole
in electrolysis.
(E*lec`tro-punc`tu*ra"tion) E*lec`tro- punc`tur*ing (?; 135), n. (Med.) See Electropuncture.
(E*lec`tro-punc`ture) n. (Med.) An operation that consists in inserting needless in the
part affected, and connecting them with the poles of a galvanic apparatus.
(E*lec"tro*scope) n. [Electro- + -scope: cf. F. électroscope.] (Physics) An instrument for
detecting the presence of electricity, or changes in the electric state of bodies, or the species of electricity
present, as by means of pith balls, and the like.
Condensing electroscope (Physics), a form of electroscope in which an increase of sensibility is
obtained by the use of a condenser.
(E*lec`tro*scop"ic) a. Relating to, or made by means of, the electroscope.
(E*lec`tro*stat"ic) a. Pertaining to electrostatics.
(E*lec`tro*stat"ics) n. (Physics) That branch of science which treats of statical electricity
or electric force in a state of rest.
(E*lec`tro-ste"re*o*type) n. Same as Electrotype.
(E*lec`tro-tel`e*graph"ic) a. Pertaining to the electric telegraph, or by means of it.
(E*lec`tro-te*leg"ra*phy) n. The art or science of constructing or using the electric
telegraph; the transmission of messages by means of the electric telegraph.
(E*lec`tro-ther`a*peu"tics) n. (Med.) The branch of medical science which treats
of the applications agent.
(E*lec`tro-ther"man*cy) n. That branch of electrical science which treats of the effect
of an electric current upon the temperature of a conductor, or a part of a circuit composed of two different