(Fu`ner*a"tion) n. [L. funeratio.] The act of burying with funeral rites. [Obs.] Knatchbull.
(Fu*ne"re*al) a. [L. funereus, fr. fentus a funeral.] Suiting a funeral; pertaining to burial; solemn.
Hence: Dark; dismal; mournful. Jer. Taylor.
What seem to us but sad funereal tapers May be heaven's distant lamps.
Longfellow. Fu*ne"re*al*ly, adv.
(Fu*nest") a. [L. funestus, fr. funus a funeral, destruction: cf. F. funeste.] Lamentable; doleful.
[R.] "Funest and direful deaths." Coleridge.
A forerunner of something very funest.
Evelyn. Fungal
(Fun"gal) a. Of or pertaining to fungi.
(Fun"gate) n. [Cf. F. fongate.] (Chem.) A salt of fungic acid. [Formerly written also fungiate.]
(Funge) n. [L. fungus mushroom, dolt.] A blockhead; a dolt; a fool. [Obs.] Burton.
(Fun"gi) n. pl. (Bot.) See Fungus.
(||Fun"gi*a) n. [NL., fr. L. fungus mushroom: cf. F. fongie.] (Zoöl.) A genus of simple, stony
corals; so called because they are usually flat and circular, with radiating plates, like the gills of a
mushroom. Some of them are eighteen inches in diameter.
(Fun"gi*an) a. (Zoöl.) Of or pertaining to the Fungidæ, a family of stony corals. n. One of
the Fungidæ.
(Fun"gi*bles) n. pl. [LL. (res) fungibiles, probably fr. L. fungi to discharge. "A barbarous
term, supposed to have originated in the use of the words functionem recipere in the Digeste." Bouvier.
"Called fungibiles, quia una alterius vice fungitur." John Taylor Cf. Function.]
1. (Civ. Law) Things which may be furnished or restored in kind, as distinguished from specific things;
called also fungible things. Burrill.
2. (Scots Law) Movable goods which may be valued by weight or measure, in contradistinction from
those which must be judged of individually. Jamieson.
(Fun"gic) a. [L. fungus mushroom: cf. F. fungique, fongique.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained
from, mushrooms; as, fungic acid.
(Fun"gi*cide`) n. [Fungi + -cide, fr. L. caedere to kill.] Anything that kills fungi. Fun`gi*ci"dal