Hyperthetical to Hyponitrite
(Hy`per*thet"ic*al) a. [Gr. "ype`r over + tiqe`nai to place.] Exaggerated; excessive; hyperbolical.
Hyperthetical or superlative . . . expression.
Chapman. Hyperthyrion
(||Hy`per*thyr"i*on) n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ype`r over + door.] (Arch.) That part of the architrave
which is over a door or window.
(Hy`per*troph"ic Hy`per*troph"ic*al) a. [Cf. F. hypertrophique.] (Med. & Biol.) Of or
pertaining to hypertrophy; affected with, or tending to, hypertrophy.
(Hy*per"tro*phied) a. (Med. & Biol.) Excessively developed; characterized by hypertrophy.
(Hy*per"tro*phy) n. [Gr. "ype`r over, beyond + nourishment, fr. to nourish: cf. F. hypertrophie.]
(Med. & Biol.) A condition of overgrowth or excessive development of an organ or part; the opposite
of atrophy.
(||Hy"phæ) n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. "yfh` a web.] (Bot.) The long, branching filaments of which the
mycelium (and the greater part of the plant) of a fungus is formed. They are also found enveloping the
gonidia of lichens, making up a large part of their structure.
(Hy"phen) n. [L., fr. Gr. fr. under one, into one, together, fr. under + neut. of one. See Hypo-
.] (Print.) A mark or short dash, thus [-], placed at the end of a line which terminates with a syllable
of a word, the remainder of which is carried to the next line; or between the parts of many a compound
word; as in fine- leaved, clear-headed. It is also sometimes used to separate the syllables of words.
(Hy"phen), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hyphened ; p. pr. & vb. n. Hyphening.] To connect with, or
separate by, a hyphen, as two words or the parts of a word.
(Hy"phen*a`ted) a. United by hyphens; hyphened; as, a hyphenated or hyphened word.
(||Hy`pho*my*ce"tes) n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. a web + a mushroom.] (Bot.) One of the great
division of fungi, containing those species which have naked spores borne on free or only fasciculate
threads. M. J. Berkley.
(Hy*pid`i*o*mor"phic) a. [Pref. hypo- + idiomorphic.] (Crystallog.) Partly idiomorphic;
said of rock a portion only of whose constituents have a distinct crystalline form. Hy*pid`i*o*mor"phic*al*ly
(||Hyp`i*no"sis) n. [NL., fr. Gr. under + strength, fiber.] (Med.) A diminution in the normal
amount of fibrin present in the blood.
(Hyp`na*gog"ic) a. [Gr. sleep + a carrying away.] Leading to sleep; applied to the illusions
of one who is half asleep.
(Hyp"no*bate) n. [F., fr. Gr. sleep + to go.] A somnambulist. [R.]
(Hyp"no*cyst) n. [Gr. sleep + E. cyst.] (Biol.) A cyst in which some unicellular organisms
temporarily inclose themselves, from which they emerge unchanged, after a period of drought or deficiency
of food. In some instances, a process of spore formation seems to occur within such cysts.
(Hyp`no*gen"ic) a. [Gr. sleep + root of to be born.] (Physiol.) Relating to the production
of hypnotic sleep; as, the so-called hypnogenic pressure points, pressure upon which is said to cause
an attack of hypnotic sleep. De Watteville.
(Hyp*nol"o*gist) n. One who is versed in hypnology.