(Leu`co*e`thi*op"ic) (- e`thi*op"ik), a. [Leuco- + Ethiopic.] White and black; said of a
white animal of a black species, or the albino of the negro race.
(Leu`co*e"thi*ops) n. [Leuco- + Aethiops.] An albino. [Also written leucthiops.]
(Leu"co*line) n. [Leuc- + L. oleum oil.] (Chem.) A nitrogenous organic base from coal tar,
and identical with quinoline. Cf. Quinoline.
(||Leu*co"ma) n. [NL., fr. Gr. ley`kwma, fr. leyko`s white.] (Med.) A white opacity in the
cornea of the eye; called also albugo.
(Leu*co"ma*ine) (lu*ko"ma*in or - en), n. [Leuco- + -maine, as in ptomaine.] (Physiol.
Chem.) An animal base or alkaloid, appearing in the tissue during life; hence, a vital alkaloid, as
distinguished from a ptomaine or cadaveric poison.
(Leu*con"ic) a. [Leuc- + croconic.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or designating, a complex organic
acid, obtained as a yellowish white gum by the oxidation of croconic acid.
(Leu*cop"a*thy) n. [Leuco- + Gr. pa`schein, paqei^n to suffer.] The state of an albino, or
of a white child of black parents.
(Leu"co*phane) n. [Gr. leykofanh`s appearing bright or white; leyko`s white + fai`nein to
show: cf. G. leukophan.] (Min.) A mineral of a greenish yellow color; it is a silicate of glucina, lime, and
soda with fluorine. Called also leucophanite.
(Leu`co*phleg"ma*cy) n. [Gr. leykoflegmati`a; leyko`s white + fle`gma phlegm: cf. F.
leucophlegmasie.] (Med.) A dropsical habit of body, or the commencement of anasarca; paleness, with
viscid juices and cold sweats.
(Leu`co*phleg*mat"ic) a. [Cf. F. leucophlegmatique, Gr. leykofle`gmatos.] Having
a dropsical habit of body, with a white bloated skin.
(Leu"co*phyll) n. [Leuco- + Gr. fy`llon a leaf.] (Chem.) A colorless substance isomeric
with chlorophyll, contained in parts of plants capable of becoming green. Watts.
(Leu*coph"yl*lous) (lu*kof"il*lus or lu`ko*fil"lus), a. [Gr. leyko`fyllos; leyko`s white +
fy`llon a leaf.] (Bot.) Having white or silvery foliage.
(Leu"co*plast) Leucoplastid
(Leu`co*plas"tid) n. [Leuco- + Gr. pla`ssein to mold.] (Bot.)
One of certain very minute whitish or colorless granules occurring in the protoplasm of plants and supposed
to be the nuclei around which starch granules will form.
(Leu*cop"y*rite) n. [Leuco- + pyrites.] (Min.) A mineral of a color between white and
steel-gray, with a metallic luster, and consisting chiefly of arsenic and iron.
(Leu`cor*rh"a) n. [Leuco- + Gr. "rei^n to flow.] (Med.) A discharge of a white, yellowish,
or greenish, viscid mucus, resulting from inflammation or irritation of the membrane lining the genital
organs of the female; the whites. Dunglison.
(||Leu"co*ryx) n. [NL., from Gr. leyko`s + 'o`ryx a kind of gazelle.] (Zoöl.) A large antelope
of North Africa allied to the gemsbok.
(Leu"co*scope) n. [Leuco- + -scope.] (Physics) An instrument, devised by Professor Helmholtz,
for testing the color perception of the eye, or for comparing different lights, as to their constituent colors
or their relative whiteness.