(Or*gan"o*gen) n. [Organo- + -gen.] (Chem.) A name given to any one of the four elements,
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which are especially characteristic ingredients of organic compounds; also,
by extension, to other elements sometimes found in the same connection; as sulphur, phosphorus, etc.
(Or`ga*no*gen"e*sis) n. [Organo- + genesis.]
1. (Biol.) The origin and development of organs in animals and plants.
2. (Biol.) The germ history of the organs and systems of organs, a branch of morphogeny. Haeckel.
(Or`ga*no*gen"ic) a. (Biol.) Of or pertaining to organogenesis.
(Or`ga*nog"e*ny) n. (Biol.) Organogenesis.
(Or`ga*no*graph"ic Or`ga*no*graph"ic*al) a. [Cf. F. organographique.] Of or pertaining
to organography.
(Or`ga*nog"ra*phist) n. One versed in organography.
(Or`ga*nog"ra*phy) n. [Organo- + -graphy: cf. F. organographie.] A description of the
organs of animals or plants.
(Or`ga*no*lep"tic) a. [F. organoleptique, fr. Gr. an organ + to lay hold of.] (Physiol.)
Making an impression upon an organ; plastic; - - said of the effect or impression produced by any substance
on the organs of touch, taste, or smell, and also on the organism as a whole.
(Or`ga*no*log"ic*al) a. Of or relating to organology.
(Or`ga*nol"o*gy) n. [Organ + -logy: cf. F. organologie.]
1. The science of organs or of anything considered as an organic structure.
The science of style, as an organ of thought, of style in relation to the ideas and feelings, might be called
the organology of style.
De Quincey. 2. That branch of biology which treats, in particular, of the organs of animals and plants. See Morphology.
(Or`ga*no*me*tal"lic) a. (Chem.) Metalorganic.
(||Or"ga*non ||Or"ga*num) n. [NL. organon, L. organum. See Organ.] An organ or instrument; hence,
a method by which philosophical or scientific investigation may be conducted; a term adopted from the
Aristotelian writers by Lord Bacon, as the title ("Novum Organon") of part of his treatise on philosophical
method. Sir. W. Hamilton.
(Or`ga*non"y*my) n. [Organo- + Gr. for a name.] (Biol.) The designation or nomenclature
of organs. B. G. Wilder.
(Or`ga*noph"y*ly) n. [Organo- + Gr. clan.] (Biol.) The tribal history of organs, a branch
of morphophyly. Haeckel.
(Or`ga*no*plas"tic) a. [Organo- + -plastic.] (Biol.) Having the property of producing the
tissues or organs of animals and plants; as, the organoplastic cells.
(Or`ga*nos"co*py) n. [Organo- + -scopy.] Phrenology. Fleming.
(Or`ga*no*troph"ic) a. [Organo- + Gr. to nourish.] (Biol.) Relating to the creation,
organization, and nutrition of living organs or parts.