Physically to Piano
(Phys"ic*al*ly), adv. In a physical manner; according to the laws of nature or physics; by physical
force; not morally.
I am not now treating physically of light or colors.
Locke. 2. According to the rules of medicine. [Obs.]
He that lives physically must live miserably.
Cheyne. Physician
(Phy*si"cian) n. [OE. fisician, fisicien, OF. physucien, a physician, in F., a natural philosopher,
an experimentalist in physics. See Physic.]
1. A person skilled in physic, or the art of healing; one duty authorized to prescribe remedies for, and
treat, diseases; a doctor of medicine.
2. Hence, figuratively, one who ministers to moral diseases; as, a physician of the soul.
(Phy*si"cianed) a. Licensed as a physician. [Obs.] "A physicianed apothecary." Walpole.
(Phys"i*cism) n. The tendency of the mind toward, or its preoccupation with, physical phenomena; materialism
in philosophy and religion.
Anthropomorphism grows into theology, while physicism (if I may so call it) develops into science.
Huxley. Physicist
(Phys"i*cist) n. One versed in physics.
2. (Biol.) A believer in the theory that the fundamental phenomena of life are to be explained upon
purely chemical and physical principles; opposed to vitalist.
(Phys"ick*ing) p. pr. & vb. n. fr. Physic, v. t.
(Phys"i*co-) [Fr. Gr. natural, physical.] A combining form, denoting relation to, or dependence
upon, natural causes, or the science of physics.
(Phys`i*co*chem"ic*al) a. [Physico- + chemical.] Involving the principles of both
physics and chemistry; dependent on, or produced by, the joint action of physical and chemical agencies.
(Phys`i*co*log"ic) n. [Physico- + logic.] Logic illustrated by physics.
(Phys`i*co*log"ic*al) a. Of or pertaining to physicologic. Swift.
(Phys`i*col"o*gy) n. [Physico- + -logy.] Physics. [R.] Phys`i*col"o*gist n. [R.]
(Phys`i*co-math`e*mat"ics) n. [Physico- + mathematics.] Mixed mathematics.
(Phys`i*co-phi*los"o*phy) n. [Physico- + philosophy.] The philosophy of nature.
(Phys`i*co-the*ol"o*gy) n. [Physico- + theology.] Theology or divinity illustrated or
enforced by physics or natural philosophy.
(Phys"ics) n. [See Physic.] The science of nature, or of natural objects; that branch of science
which treats of the laws and properties of matter, and the forces acting upon it; especially, that department
of natural science which treats of the causes (as gravitation, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, etc.) that
modify the general properties of bodies; natural philosophy.