(Prowl), v. i. To rove or wander stealthily, esp. for prey, as a wild beast; hence, to prey; to plunder.
(Prowl), n. The act of prowling. [Colloq.] Smart.
(Prowl"er) n. One that prowls. Thomson.
(Prowl"ing), a. Accustomed to prowl, or engaged in roving stealthily, as for prey. "A prowling
wolf." Milton. Prowl"ing*ly, adv.
(Prox) n. [Cf. Proxy.] "The ticket or list of candidates at elections, presented to the people for
their votes." [Rhode Island] Bartlett.
(Prox"ene) n. [Cf. before + a guest, stranger: cf. F. proxène.] (Gr. Antiq.) An officer who had
the charge of showing hospitality to those who came from a friendly city or state.
(Prox"e*net) n. [L. proxeneta, Gr. .] A negotiator; a factor. [R.] Dr. H. More.
(Prox"i*mad) adv. [Proximal + L. ad to.] (Anat.) Toward a proximal part; on the proximal
side of; proximally.
(Prox"i*mal) a.
1. Toward or nearest, as to a body, or center of motion of dependence; proximate.
2. (Biol.) (a) Situated near the point of attachment or origin; as, the proximal part of a limb. (b) Of or
pertaining to that which is proximal; as, the proximal bones of a limb. Opposed to distal.
(Prox"i*mal*ly), adv. (Anat.) On or toward a proximal part; proximad.
(Prox"i*mate) a. [L. proximatus, p. p. of proximare to come near, to approach, fr. proximus
the nearest, nest, superl. of propior nearer, and prope, adv., near.] Nearest; next immediately preceding
or following. "Proximate ancestors." J. S. Harford.
The proximate natural causes of it [the deluge].
T. Burnet. Proximate analysis (Chem.), an analysis which determines the proximate principles of any substance,
as contrasted with an ultimate analysis. Proximate cause. (a) A cause which immediately precedes
and produces the effect, as distinguished from the remote, mediate, or predisposing cause. I. Watts.
(b) That which in ordinary natural sequence produces a specific result, no independent disturbing agencies
intervening. Proximate principle (Physiol. Chem.), one of a class of bodies existing ready formed
in animal and vegetable tissues, and separable by chemical analysis, as albumin, sugar, collagen, fat,
Syn. Nearest; next; closest; immediate; direct.