Sesquialteral ratio(Math.), the ratio of one and a half to one; thus, 9 and 6 are in a sesquialteral ratio.

(Ses`qui*al"ter*ous) a. Sesquialteral.

(Ses`qui*ba"sic) a. [Sesqui- + basic.] (Chem.) Containing, or acting as, a base in the proportions of a sesqui compound.

(Ses`qui*du"pli*cate) a. [Sesqui- + duplicate.] Twice and a half as great (as another thing); having the ratio of two and a half to one.

Sesquiduplicate ratio(Math.), the ratio of two and a half to one, or one in which the greater term contains the lesser twice and a half, as that of 50 to 20.

(Ses`qui*ox"ide) n. [Sesqui- + oxide.] (Chem.) An oxide containing three atoms of oxygen with two atoms (or radicals) of some other substance; thus, alumina, Al2O3 is a sesquioxide.

(Ses*quip"e*dal Ses`qui*pe*da"li*an) a. [Sesqui- + pedal: cf. F. sesquipédal, L. sesquipedalis.] Measuring or containing a foot and a half; as, a sesquipedalian pygmy; — sometimes humorously applied to long words.

(Ses`qui*pe*da"li*an*ism Ses*quip"e*dal*ism) n. Sesquipedality.

(Ses`qui*pe*dal"i*ty) n.

1. The quality or condition of being sesquipedal. Sterne.

2. The use of sesquipedalian words; style characterized by the use of long words; sesquipedalism.

(Ses*quip"li*cate) a. [Sesqui- + plicate.] (Math.) Subduplicate of the triplicate; — a term applied to ratios; thus, a and a&prime are in the sesquiplicate ratio of b and b&prime, when a is to a&prime as the square root of the cube of b is to the square root of the cube of b&prime, or a:a&prime::&radicb3:&radicb&prime3.

The periodic times of the planets are in the sesquiplicate ratio of their mean distances.
Sir I. Newton.

(Ses"qui*salt) n. [Sesqui- + salt.] (Chem.) A salt derived from a sesquioxide base, or made up on the proportions of a sesqui compound.

(Ses`qui*sul"phide) n. [Sesqui- + sulphide.] (Chem.) A sulphide, analogous to a sesquioxide, containing three atoms of sulphur to two of the other ingredient; — formerly called also sesquisulphuret; as, orpiment, As2S3 is arsenic sesquisulphide.

(Ses`qui*ter"tial) a. Sesquitertian.

(Ses`qui*ter"tian Ses`qui*ter"tian*al) a. [Sesqui- + L. tertianus belonging to the third. Cf. Tertian.] (Math.) Having the ratio of one and one third to one

(Ses`qui*al"ter Ses`qui*al"ter*a) n. [NL. sesquialtera.] (Mus.) A stop on the organ, containing several ranks of pipes which reënforce some of the high harmonics of the ground tone, and make the sound more brilliant.

(Ses`qui*al"ter*al Ses`qui*al"ter*ate) a. [L. sesquialter once and a half; sesqui- + alter other: cf. F. sesquialtére.] Once and a half times as great as another; having the ratio of one and a half to one.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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