2. (Zoöl.) The menobranchus.
3. A small floating cloud, supposed to indicate rain.
4. A sailor, esp. an old sailor; an old salt. [Colloq.]
Water drain
(Wa"ter drain`) A drain or channel for draining off water.
Water drainage
(Wa"ter drain"age) The draining off of water.
Water dressing
(Wa"ter dress"ing) (Med.) The treatment of wounds or ulcers by the application of water; also,
a dressing saturated with water only, for application to a wound or an ulcer.
Water dropwort
(Wa"ter drop"wort`) (Bot.) A European poisonous umbelliferous plant (Enanthe fistulosa)
with large hollow stems and finely divided leaves.
Water eagle
(Wa"ter ea"gle) (Zoöl.) The osprey.
Water elder
(Wa"ter el"der) (Bot.) The guelder- rose.
Water elephant
(Wa"ter el"e*phant) (Zoöl.) The hippopotamus. [R.]
Water engine
(Wa"ter en"gine) An engine to raise water; or an engine moved by water; also, an engine
or machine for extinguishing fires; a fire engine.
(Wa"ter*er) n. One who, or that which, waters.
(Wa"ter*fall`) n.
1. A fall, or perpendicular descent, of the water of a river or stream, or a descent nearly perpendicular; a
cascade; a cataract.
2. (Hairdressing) An arrangement of a woman's back hair over a cushion or frame in some resemblance
to a waterfall.
3. A certain kind of neck scarf. T. Hughes.
Water feather
(Wa"ter feath"er Wa"ter feath"er-foil`) (Bot.) The water violet (Hottonia palustris); also, the
less showy American plant H. inflata.
Water flag
(Wa"ter flag`) (Bot.) A European species of Iris (Iris Pseudacorus) having bright yellow flowers.
Water flannel
(Wa"ter flan"nel) (Bot.) A floating mass formed in pools by the entangled filaments of a
European fresh-water alga
Water flea
(Wa"ter flea`) (Zoöl.) Any one of numerous species of small aquatic Entomostraca belonging
to the genera Cyclops, Daphnia, etc; so called because they swim with sudden leaps, or starts.
(Wa"ter*flood`) n. [AS. wæterflod.] A flood of water; an inundation.
Water flounder
(Wa"ter floun"der) (Zoöl.) The windowpane [Local, U. S.]
(Wa"ter*fowl`) n. Any bird that frequents the water, or lives about rivers, lakes, etc., or on or
near the sea; an aquatic fowl; used also collectively.
Of aquatic fowls, some are waders, or furnished with long legs; others are swimmers, or furnished with
webbed feet.