Accentuate, v. a.
1. Mark with accent, put the mark of accent upon. 2. Accent, lay stress upon, pronounce with accent, put the ictus on. Accept, v. a.
1. Take (what is offered). See receive. 2. Admit, assent to, agree to, accede to, acquiesce in, accommodate ones self to, approve, acknowledge,
avow. 3. Estimate, regard, value, interpret, construe, put a sense upon. Acceptable, a. Welcome, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable, grateful, gratifying.
Acceptance, n.
1. Accepting, taking, reception, receipt, acknowledgment. 2. Favorable reception, approbation, approval, gratification, satisfaction, pleasure. 3. (Com.) Accepted bill (of exchange). Acceptation, n.
1. Meaning, signification, significance, sense, import, interpretation, construction, mode of explanation,
understanding. 2. Approval, adoption, cordial reception, favorable regard. Access, n.
1. Avenue, approach, passage, way, passage-way, way of approach, entrance, entranceway, adit, entry. 2. Admission, admittance, means of approach, liberty to approach, audience, interview, entrance. 3. Accession, addition, increase, aggrandizement, enlargement, gain, increment, more. 4. Attack (of disease, etc.), onset, fit, paroxysm, recurrence.