2. Sentence, decision, determination, decree, award, arbitrament. Adjunct, n. Addition, appendage, appurtenance, dependency, attachment, addendum, something added,
modifier, subordinate part, accessary, accessory, minor detail.
Adjuration, n. Entreaty (as if to one bound by oath), solemn charge, act of adjuring, adjuring, solemn
appeal, oath.
Adjure, v. a.
1. Entreat (as if under oath), conjure, obtest, beseech, pray, supplicate, beg, implore, invoke, enjoin
solemnly.) 2. Swear by, invoke (by oath), take oath upon. Adjust, v. a.
1. Arrange, dispose, rectify, trim, put or set in order, put or set to rights, put in tune, put in good or
proper trim. 2. Regulate, set. 3. Settle, compose, pacify, reconcile, make up. 4. Fit, adapt, suit, proportion, accommodate, measure, make conform, make conformable (followed by
to or with). Adjustment, n.
1. Arrangement, adjusting, putting in order, putting in good trim, setting to rights, disposal. 2. Regulation, setting, putting right, state of regulation, good order, accurate arrangement. 3. Settlement, reconciliation, pacification, agreement, understanding, mutual understanding. 4. Fitting, adapting, accommodation, making suitable or conformable, conformity, suitedness. Adjutant, n.
1. (Rare.) Assistant, helper, aid, adjurant. 2. (Mil.) Order-aide, subordinate in charge of orders, subordinate through whom orders are issued and
reports received.