3. Characterless, misshapen, vague, unorganized, disorganized, chaotic, confused, clumsy. See acephalous. Amount, n.
1. Aggregate, sum, total, sum total, whole, footing, footing up. 2. Effect, substance, purport, result. Amount to.
1..Aggregate, come to, be in the aggregate, be in the whole, be in all, foot up to, sum up to. 2. Be equivalent to, be in effect, be substantially. Amour, n. Affair of gallantry, love intrigue, love affair, illicit relation, liaison.
Amphiboly, n. See ambiguity.
Ample, a.
1. Large, great, capacious, wide, extended, extensive, spacious, broad, roomy. 2. Plentiful, plenteous, abundant, abounding, overflowing, copious, full, liberal, rich, exuberant, luxurious,
lavish, bountiful, generous, liberal, handsome. 3. Diffusive, unrestricted, not contracted, not condensed, not concise, copious, grandiose. Amplification, n.
1. Enlargement, greatening, extension, dilation, expansion, broadening, development. 2. Full detail, fulness, diffuseness, prolixity, diffuse narrative, copious discourse. Amplify, v. a.
1. Enlarge, greaten, extend, augment, magnify, dilate, expand, widen, develop. 2. Make copious or diffuse, present in all or many aspects, dilate, expand. Amplify, v. n. Go into detail, be copious, speak with fulness of illustration.
Amplitude, n.
1. Bulk, size, bulkiness, largeness, bigness, greatness, volume, capaciousness, width, breadth, extent,
spaciousness, roominess, dimensions, mass.