Appeal, n.
1. Address, invocation, petition, request, entreaty, imploration, application, solicitation, suit. 2. Resort, recourse. Appeal to. Address, invoke, implore, petition, entreat, solicit, sue to, refer to, call upon, make application
Appear, v. n.
1. Emerge, be in sight, come in sight, be visible, come into view, open to the view, present itself, crop
out, show itself, turn up, come upon the stage, see the light, heave in sight (naut.) 2. Open, dawn, break. 3. Arise, occur, offer. 4. Stand in judgment, be present to answer, come into court. 5. Be manifest, be obvious, be open, be known. 6. Seem, look, show, wear the appearance, present the appearance, have the appearance, strike one
as being. Appearance, n.
1. Coming, arrival, advent, apparition. 2. Appearance, what is seen, form, being, apparition. 3. Semblance, seeming, show, face, pretence, color, pretext, guise, fashion, feature. 4. Mien, air, aspect, look, complexion, figure, manner, demeanor, personal presence. Appeasable, a. Placable, forgiving, reconcilable.
Appease, v. a.
1. Pacify, calm, quiet, soothe, tranquillize, allay, assuage, mollify, alleviate, mitigate, abate, ease, compose,
still, hush, lull, dull, quell, blunt, temper, attemper, lessen, qualify. 2. Propitiate, reconcile, satisfy, placate, make propitious, make favorable.